你知道嗎?這個表情符號叫做 「太好吃」哈哈哈! 最近..又開始想做餅乾了...... 最近..需要一些新歌........
a kind of disappointment impossible to get used to 喔天啊天啊離SATII 只有不到一個月我什麼都不...
我要給自己 一個high five 一個擁抱 一個kiss because I don't fucking care W...
來吧!!! ★ 就像吃了mario裡的星星一樣 ★ 有anny在 我什麼都不怕!!!!!!!!!
do you realize?that everyone you know someday will die it's shaking..it's....shaking..the unc...
It is so easy to seeDysfunction between you and meWe must free up these tired soulsBefore the sa...
off to a new start颱風!! 吹吧!!!!大雨!! 下吧!!!!來吧!!來吧!!!我準備好了~嗚呼呼~ 我愛我的朋友!!!!!嗚呼...