2005-09-16 17:21:20speed
EMC and Cisco整合廣域網路檔案及資料分享
在EMC的產品線中,DL系列並未支援iSCSI,但是在AX, CX, Symetrics都有支援iSCSI
其中的Data mover,可以以一般file server的概念比擬
Cisco will OEM the EMC NS500 and NS700 as Cisco FS5500 and FS5700 integrated NAS system.
WAFS, Cisco提出的NAS延伸概念, 全名是Wide-Area File Service,主要概念是希望NAS可以有跨WAN的應用,以MS Windows CIFS的架構,Across WAN is a challenge
Network Storage Virtualization for NAS and file servers,虛擬化不只可以放在SAN的概念上,Cisco and EMC也認為NAS也可以做到虛擬化,整合各項NAS儲存設備
Cisco推出WAE系列的產品因應NAS跨WAN的需求,WAE的全名是WAN Application Engine,基本上,我認為這是一項router + cache的產品
產品目前有WAE-NM, WAE-511, WAE-611, WAE-7326
EMC推出Invista產品,是一項network-based storage virtulalization 的具體產品,configuration 有:
Invista Cabinet
Metadata Storage
Control Path Cluster
IP Routers
Invista is Software Based and Out-Of-Band Architecure
Cisco MDS9000 series support VSAN technology and can routing Inter-VSAN data. Supporting IP security and remote management.
在EMC的產品線中,DL系列並未支援iSCSI,但是在AX, CX, Symetrics都有支援iSCSI
其中的Data mover,可以以一般file server的概念比擬
Cisco will OEM the EMC NS500 and NS700 as Cisco FS5500 and FS5700 integrated NAS system.
WAFS, Cisco提出的NAS延伸概念, 全名是Wide-Area File Service,主要概念是希望NAS可以有跨WAN的應用,以MS Windows CIFS的架構,Across WAN is a challenge
Network Storage Virtualization for NAS and file servers,虛擬化不只可以放在SAN的概念上,Cisco and EMC也認為NAS也可以做到虛擬化,整合各項NAS儲存設備
Cisco推出WAE系列的產品因應NAS跨WAN的需求,WAE的全名是WAN Application Engine,基本上,我認為這是一項router + cache的產品
產品目前有WAE-NM, WAE-511, WAE-611, WAE-7326
EMC推出Invista產品,是一項network-based storage virtulalization 的具體產品,configuration 有:
Invista Cabinet
Metadata Storage
Control Path Cluster
IP Routers
Invista is Software Based and Out-Of-Band Architecure
Cisco MDS9000 series support VSAN technology and can routing Inter-VSAN data. Supporting IP security and remote management.