2006-11-13 09:58:56Comfort

Fairy Tale

Society is full of fairy tales, including:

1. 在網上所刊登的武俠小說,科幻小說,愛情小說,甚至色情小說
2. 在網咖裡或PS平台上所流行的天堂, Final Fantasy,WOW,仙境傳說等等
3. 在線上所謂的聊天交友,包括了yahoo,MSN,PChome,愛情小學
4. 在電視上所播放的偶像劇,像是韓劇,日劇,連續劇,甚至布袋戲也都算

Why is it that we are surrounded by and continue to revovle ourselves around all these fairly tales? Is this a way of avoiding the reality? By positioning onself in a comfort zone in order to be occupied by the presentation of fairy tale, isn’t that a way to create a micro, virtual world that in a way, mimics the macro, real world, but at the time, fundamentally opposes it?

But...isn’t practicing also a way of avoiding the reality? Buy shutting onself in the practice room as way of arbitrariy cutting off one’s communication with the outside world, isn’t that a way of avoiding the reality?

But why do we want to avoid the reality? What IS the reality anway? If people are genuinly participating the unfolding of fairly tale , doen’t the fairly tale also become part of their reality? So the end result is that the line between what’s real and what’s not real is blurred and becomes difficult to identiy.

But why do we want to identify that line? The only need I can see is that that when there might be a danger if one actually acts in a way that will be appropriate in the virtual world but unsuitable in the real world.