2009-10-23 05:30:58長小魚

Expressive Portrait (4) 黑捲短髮小姐

Today was about 50F, and the street was wet because of the rain...

I wanted to paint in oil but finally I changed my mind, since

I knew it is hard to make an oil painting dry in such a rainy day...

Though, I still could stay in the studio and enjoyed painting

the woman in front of me in watercolor...

This time I painted almost the whole body of the model, and

I added some huge green leaves which didn't exist

in the real background...

In my mind, the model is relaxed in a red, soft flower instead of

a cold, hard chair...
Anyway, just want to share with you...

Sophia 2009-10-24 00:08:43



其實我覺得嚴格說來 手臂的比例比較不好


ruby 2009-10-23 12:04:46
