2008-03-03 11:58:14長小魚


曾經有一段時間, 我懷疑著我的婚姻裡究竟有沒有愛?

每當老公總是兇巴巴地罵我, 或是用重話刺我的時候,

我心底就在想, 他到底是愛我不愛?

直到我看到普世佳音出版的” 每日箴言,” 第十七卷

六月二十七日那篇 ”不加掩藏”

我如夢初醒, 恍然大悟


當面的責備, 強如背地的愛情

Better is open rebuke than hidden love

因為真正的愛是無法被隱藏的, 而出於好意的責備其實是愛

Love, if it is truly love, cannot be hidden. And rebuke, when

offered in the best interests of the one being rebuked, is

actually love.

我們彼此到底有多相愛? 愛到指出彼此的錯誤嗎?

How much do we care about one another? Enough to confront?

愛到可以糾正對方的程度嗎? 愛到甚至責備的程度嗎?

Enough to correct? Enough even to rebuke?

如果有必要責備, 它應當是出於對他人的真誠幫助和造就

If a rebuke is necessary, it may be given with a view to

genuinely helping and building up another person.

倘若我們真的關心別人, 以至要這樣當面責備他,

When you care enough to openly rebuke someone in such a fashion,


you show that you really do love the person you are addressing.

因為愛人不可虛假, 真誠的愛無法掩藏

Love must be sincere. When it is, it cannot be hidden.

仔細想這一段話, 發現老公罵我責備我, 確實都是希望我更好,

希望我更有智慧, 正如同大姐對我的責備, 都是出於真愛呀