2007-11-01 10:23:15長小魚

永不枯萎的玫瑰 The roses never wither

Can you believe that many Americans live in their hometown all

their lives and never leave for other states ?

Don’t doubt, it is true.

As a Taiwanese, born in a small island, I have been to some Asian

countries like Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore during

1998~2001. Besides, I have visited ten states during 2002~2007.

It sounds like I love travel and I traveled a lot.

However, the truth is that I prefer staying at home and having a

nice sleep than sitting in an airplane or a car, constrained

by the seat belt. Since that, why I traveled?

Sometimes for work, sometimes for my family, sometimes for further

study, and sometimes, for my husband.

Driving me to many new places and states is the way he shows

love to me. How do I know this? He told me today when I complained

that he never bought me a rose or a surprise.

I seldom write deeply about the countries and the cities I have ever

met. Time is flying away, and too many things are waiting for

me to say hello. But, did I ever fall in love with any of the places

I have visited ?

Frankly speaking, I am not good at observing a city. I just

did eating, drinkng, and shopping there. Of course, like

many people, I always remember to date with landmarks and

high spots of a new place, taking pictures there.

The way I travel a city is not very creative, I think.

Among the cities I have been, what is my favorite city?

It is Taipei.

Not because of its delicious food and wonderful 7-11, but because

my lovely family and my little angel are waiting for me.

Whenever the plane had landed in Taipei’s airport, my mind had

found its home.

< 青椒炒豬肉, 蘿蔔絲蛋捲 >
網路轉載---重要的不 2007-11-01 23:58:28


荏逸 2007-11-01 16:47:17

好老公 簡單感人的花朵 妳柔暖易感動的心

(唉~又是食物+.+ 這實在是....)