2007-03-29 03:32:02長小魚
愛上神學院的 5.25 生日便當
Today I went to the divinty school of UC since I wanted to listen
to a course” History of christian thought”
The professor is a beautiful, elegant female with very shor hair,
and sometimes she looks like a handsome guy in certain angles.
She is very tall and keeps in a good shape.
I like her clear address and her charming voice,
and students in the class were very active to discuss about ”God.”
During the lunch time, I went to the coffee shop there and
bought a lunch box which has fried rice with fried fish and
potatos. It tasted good and cost me $ 5.25 without tax.
There are various kinds of lunch box and each costs $5.25.
Interestingly, the number of the price is as the same as my birthday.
I love the divinity school and its coffee shop.
to a course” History of christian thought”
The professor is a beautiful, elegant female with very shor hair,
and sometimes she looks like a handsome guy in certain angles.
She is very tall and keeps in a good shape.
I like her clear address and her charming voice,
and students in the class were very active to discuss about ”God.”
During the lunch time, I went to the coffee shop there and
bought a lunch box which has fried rice with fried fish and
potatos. It tasted good and cost me $ 5.25 without tax.
There are various kinds of lunch box and each costs $5.25.
Interestingly, the number of the price is as the same as my birthday.
I love the divinity school and its coffee shop.