2008-10-28 10:27:40好多人


WOMen are like ....Laxatives .... They dig all the "黃金" out of you.

WOMen are like .....
Bananas .... When they get old, they still try to pretend to be young.
WOMen are like .... Weather .... You can never predict it.

WOMen are like ....
Blenders .... You want to put something like, banana, cucumber, or carrots in there, but not cash.

WOMen are like ....
Chocolate Bars .... It's not the coco that attracts you, it's the sugar, baby.

WOMen are like ....
Commercials .... You can't believe a word they say.  (This one I give you right back)

WOMen are like ....
Department Stores .... They want to, and have to, own everything.

WOMen are like....
Government Bonds .... The whole purpose is $$$$$$$.

WOMen are like ....
Mascara .... You need several back-ups.

WOMen are like ....
Popcorn ....They really need some toppings to be good...

WOMen are like ....
Snowstorms .... It's so pretty from a distance and such a disaster when you're involved.

WOMen are like ....
Lava Lamps .... They like to be called what they are not, simply can't do lamp~~.

WOMen are like ....
Parking Spots .... You can park two cars in there and the spot won't even feel guilty.
對女人完全沒有意見可是明明是我跟汪緯開的新聞台說什麼也不想讓你在我地盤這囂張成這樣的小男孩  - R
R 2008-11-04 02:23:50

這一篇就是這麼popular ok?

其實是4次(包括這次啦。。。) 2008-11-04 02:58:10
2008-10-30 08:20:12


2008-10-30 01:06:31

R, 你自己寫這些的喔!! blender的那個很讚喔!!
哪裡有數學阿?? =s