2011-07-14 23:52:46Constance M.Y.



話說2005年布克獎評審主席Chair of Judges for the Booker Prize是英國University College London現代英國文學教授约翰蘇德蘭又可譯為约翰殺死人John Sutherland。他最為人津津樂道的創舉便是與Dot Mobile通訊公司的合作案:

將世界名著裡的名言佳句 & 故事大綱簡訊化」!!』



蘇德蘭教授自豪地如此說道:「Dot mobile's unique service amply demonstrates text's ability to fillet out the important elements in a plot. Take for example the ending to Jane Eyre -- 'MadwyfSetsFyr2Haus'. Was ever a climax better compressed?」(Dot Mobile 獨特的服務充份展現了文字簡訊傳達世界名著重要元素的能力。就拿 <簡愛> 的結局來說Mad wife sets fire to house(壓縮後的 / 意謂簡化過的)簡訊文字不是更能傳達故事高潮嗎?)


可以想見 Dot Mobile公司對這個「計劃」的自信以及公諸於世的優點不外乎:

1. 讓古典文學更平易近人。

2. 讓學生隨手便可閱讀古典名著。

3. 促進大學生更願意選修古典文學。

4. 簡訊化的内容將幫助學生們記憶名著裡的佳句或情節,可以增加學生對文學的熱情。



2B? NT2B?=???  ] 有誰會忘記莎翁筆下的丹麥王子<哈姆雷特>?「To be or not to be, that is the question.


bothLuvrs kill Emselves  ] 「讀」得出這句話裡的悲情嗎?還有哪個故事比 <羅蜜歐與茱麗葉> 更悲? 「both lovers kill themselves.」正是故事的結局啊!


蘇德蘭教授很新潮前衛呢!而且如果他手下學生、研究生夠多,直接要求學生幫忙將古典文學「翻譯」成手機簡訊即可,說不定還可以當作學期成績的一部分。媽呀!Dot Mobile和教授的立意雖良善,但實在很難不讓人心生懷疑和恐懼,「可能嗎?」如果英國文學老師上課都使用簡訊文字,我就會第一個退選啦!

以下摘要有助各位網友 / 手機友「體會」一下整個文段變成手機簡訊的「樣子」:

FeudTween2hses--Montague& Capulet. RomeoM falls_<3w/_ JulietC@mary Secretly Bt R kills J's Coz&isbanishd. J fakes Death. As Part of Plan2b-w/R Bt_leter Bt It Nvr Reachs Him. Evry1confuzd--- bothLuvrs kill Emselves.

< Romeo and Juliet > 羅蜜歐與茱麗葉 


A feud between two houses - Montague and Capulet. Romeo Montague falls in love with Juliet Capulet and they marry secretly, but Romeo kills Juliet's cousin and is banished. Juliet fakes her own death. As part of the plan to be with Romeo she writes him a letter but it never reaches him. Everyone is confused and both lovers kill themselves.

5SistrsWntngHsbnds.NwMenIn Twn-Bingly&Darcy Fit&Loadd. BigSisJaneFals4B,2ndSisLizH8s DCozHesProud.SlimySoljrWikam SysDHsShadyPast.TrnsOutHes ActulyARlyNysGuy&RlyFancysLiz.SheDecydsSheLyksHim.Evry1GtsMaryd.

< Pride and Prejudice > 傲慢與偏見 


Five sisters wanting husbands. There are two new men in town - Bingley and Darcy. They are handsome and wealthy. Big sister Jane falls for Bingley, but second sister Elizabeth hates Darcy because he is proud. Slimy soldier Wickham says Darcy has a shady past. It turns out that he's actually a really nice guy and really fancies Elizabeth. She decides that she likes him. Everyone gets married. 


使用中文的我們也許對英語的簡訊表達不太清楚,可我們也有一個非常具有群眾基礎的「火星文」不是嗎?不要說是 <紅樓夢> 的火星文版,光是將蘋果日報裡的大小八卦寫成火星文都很殺人吧?


(大家也許還記得火星文的始祖 Orz ??)



補充 / 既然講到火星文, 網路上有一篇張大春先生發表的相關文章, 在此與大家分享::