2010-08-11 10:20:00Constance M.Y.

標題是小雜感, 會有人看嗎?? (2005)

{ <留學> 和 (一部分的) <生活在他方> 主要是 2005-2007 年的生活紀錄; 奇特的是, 當年看起來不舒服不愉快的經驗如今都換上了不同的色彩與意義, 而那些美麗動人的回憶則像暖流般流過心底....向一切感恩, 沒有後悔...}

標題是 "小雜感" 會有人看嗎??

*** 來到Dartmouth已經快10天了, 課程要下星期才開始, 這鎮子都在忙 " 生活瑣事 "....有點累, 也有點不知如何表達真正的感覺 
今天看到一篇小文, 正好可比當做未來的座右銘::
**一個人在異鄉, 就更加知道堅強的重要::
Promise yourself to be so strong
that nothing can disturb you peace of mind.
Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism
come true.
Think only of the best,
work only for the best,
and expect only the best.
Forget the mistakes of the past and
press on to the greater achivements of the future.
Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you
have no time to criticize others.
Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as
you are true to the best that is in you.
__Christian D. Larson
Aralsk 2011-02-03 20:49:27

Thank you for posting those words...我出國唸書時會帶上Christiam Larson 的文字的