2010-07-17 16:08:31小紅


Good Look  - check

Job title - check

Annual income - check

Property - check

Personality - check

Habits/interests - check

Sex - ???


When we look for our ideal partner, we check all these items.

We observe people as a future parter.

If he fits the bill, then we consider as a candidate.

We start to hang out more often, talk all night long. Try our best to know him.


Is this a relationship starts from love ???

Do we love him deep inside from our heart?


I watched the series " Sex and the city", I wondered.

In the movie,that partner must meet all items and the relastionshipe can last longer.


Please note, I did not say "forever".


We meet someone who is cute, nice, makes our hear running fast everytime we meet.

But he doesn't earn enough income as we expect.

What do we do?

We need to prioritize the items on the check list.

Treat him as a NORMAL friend, or re-priorize our list.


心動的感覺 還是外在條件

Finn 說,一切就要看自己追求的到底是什麼?


年紀不同 似乎想的就不一樣了

以前是不顧一切轟轟烈烈 心動就行動的

還沒想出自己的答案 ...還需要一點時間
(悄悄話) 2010-07-21 13:49:32