2008-06-26 18:47:36小紅

20080624(電影)- Sex and the City

I watched the movie tonight with someone whom I never thought I would go out with.
Don’t get into the wrong idea. I went with my colleague-Miss P.

I like this movie a lot, and I did enjoy it.
I was touched by several scenes.

“I am here for love” When Carrie asked the interviewee why she came to the Big Apple, she gave Carrie this answer.

She surprised Carrie and me.

Am I looking for love?
Will I say it out loud?
Can I ?

I think I am a chicken in love world.
Therefore, I chose to stay in the comfort zone.
I don’t tell my feeling directly, so that I won’t get hurt anymore.
But, I believe in friendship.

Somehow, I don’t know what I am looking for anymore.

Are you looking for love?
Do you believe in love?