2007-04-26 14:49:39me, 天才蝶°﹑
﹡ Wow` 心情 29 ღ°
When I know
that boy came back
I am really happy
because that mean you won’t be sad again
but I’m also upset of this.
I don’t know why I feel that way,
I just know, I aslo wish God can give me a miracle.
How hard it is ?
I would like to wrtie down how I feel,
but it’s really hard.
I want my freind to be happy,
to get the bliss that is belong to them.
Yet, where is mine ?
Many times, I believe that I can find my bliss soon,
but the result always make me feel disappointed
How hard the love is ?
Who can give me the answer I want ?
In fact, I don’t expect for that any longer.
I feel really complicated now.
上一篇:﹡ Wow` 心情 28 ღ°
下一篇:﹡ Wow` 心情 30 ღ°
2007-04-26 15:08:18
you can chang the decision.
You should be happy` didn`t you ? 2007-05-01 11:17:12
So what ?
He comes back.
But I don`t know whether my decision is right or not.
Should I be happy ?
I can`t be certain.
There is no answer for your question.
For mine , either.
If you thought your decision was wrong, you can chang the decision.
You should be happy` didn`t you ? 2007-05-01 11:17:12
伤. 我只看的懂這份感覺
閒來沒事練英文 =) 2007-05-01 11:17:59