2009-08-28 11:36:37Lisaa

the first party ever

oh my fucking god

my first party in my life was totally like a hell


it was my best friend here's birthday party

n i heard lots of johnny rockets coworkers here will go

so i thought okay maybe i should go cause it might be really fun

but then there was a problem that i didn't know who could send me home

n marcel said his friend could send me


omg so many details

in short

my coworker Terrance n his friend john were going to send me

n wen we went to the parking lot

Terrance n john had a really big fight

really SCARY!!

n i start to feel bad


it's even worse wen i got the party

cuz there were like so many unknown ppl

n there were only few coworkers which i don't know them well

n everybody in the party were drinking, smoking, n i thought even taking drugs, n gambling

terrance n i start getting bored so we wanted to leave

but his asshole friend said that "unless we know where to go next, i don't want to leave"


n then there was only john n I talking cuz Tarrence went to take his phone

then john asked me "ohh so u want to leave now"

n i said "yes"

n he said"wat r u goin to do"

i said "im so tired i wnat to sleep"

he said "the regular sleep?"

n i was like "what the hell r u thinking about u bastard"

anyway i felt fucking scared cuz that gross guy was going to send me home

i thought like maybe he might rape me or something


what's worse

terrance got drunk!!

but thank god

he got some conscious

cuz john was like driving the opposite direction to my house

n  i don't even know that


anyway i got home safely


it was really scary

i was like going to cry

n feel so hopeless

i don't want to call Chris cuz i don't want him to feel like im using him

but honestly

he is the only one here that i feel supportive

he is my best friend!



and I went on the register to day!!!!
it's a big news!

hope i won't be suspended
