2005-11-12 03:23:48smallkai


Today...supposing i m thinking wt to do ,,,,at the english lesson,,,fiona has changed her seats,,,then it becomes...(m.g.f.).....
mo loi,,,ai,,,dunno wt to angry about ,,,coz i know i cannot,,,,then,,recess again nobody wait for me la,,then ,,at computer lesson,,gemma sit with me,,,and then i dunno y,,i began to cry ,,,,ai,,wt i should do,..can god tell me?? In the afternoon ,,,the situation is still like that ,,,and,,,later ,,,at 440,,i went to her home,,,and we start to talk ,,,then,,it seems we have returned back to the time when we were in form 5,,haha..really very hapi that i cannot explained...at her bday party,,,after all have gone,,,except joey,,then we start to chat and wash dishes,,haha,,,,

The most hapi thing is that she tries to talk with me with her own willingness,,, talking about the phone call,,,,,then ,,,we went to her home and she offer me for an ice cream,,,it was very hapi ,,,although i m really really very full,,but i still eat the ice cream,,haha..vanilla,,,and joey and her get the chocolate,,

Then after some mo loi things that we talked,,,tel rings,,and i have to go home lu~~

PS...today is the turning point and i hope we can continue to keep this kind of relationship and better and better as in form 5 and 4..