2005-03-24 21:07:53slkc
23/3/2005之日記 - UE Oral大作賤……咳,是作戰
今日考ALE第一份卷-UE Paper IV (Oral)。
五點三,要上路了 =_="
俾學校「食蕉」check addmission form。
入到waiting room,啲人差唔多坐滿,佢哋都好早吓……我都已經早咗十分鐘,但去到嗰陣已經開始點名(頭一批組嘅人)。
我係第二批,group 20(唔會太夜走嘛……),candidate B(唔錯唔錯)。
六點九(啩)(咁緊張,無乜望鐘……),入preparation room。等time倒數完四分幾鐘就開始真係十分鐘嘅preparation time啦……
好緊張好緊張(番開張試題,試題都差唔多跌咗落地+_+)……"Youth crime",整篇文章,包括內容、用字和結構都唔難……
jot notes,skip咗部分內容,因緊張,同認為應該夠時間(啩)……
竟然有兩分鐘淨,望咗一眼個discussion topic,然後再準備開場白……
十分鐘後,受死了……team 136,最盡頭嘅房。
一見,examiner係foreigner =口= 感覺似Indian,不過聽佢把聲同看佢態度幾仁慈 :) 但係另外嗰個本地女考官個樣就好似有啲惡……
好,candidate A(對面嘅女仔)(姓"Ieong",唔識讀,幾有自信,幾流暢,但發音似乎有啲問題,我聽得幾辛苦吓,不過都大致知道佢講乜,係行山遇劫嘅問題和解決方法。
"Good evening, everyone. Today I would like to talk about "youth crime". As we all know, there has been an increasing number of juvilenile deliquency. There is a couple of reasons for that..."
- feel bored, not enough facilities for young people to enjoy
- housing packed too close, higher chance to meet bad guys
- feel lonely, lack of communication with parents (parents are not good models that can be followed <= skipped)
to tackle the problems:
- encourge young people to join more healthy activities, not to think or do other bad things)
- join sports activities, let young people to learn how to cooperate with other people and get a sense of satisifation from them
剩十至廿秒,都緊張到無放個opinion,wasted time +_+...
唔……比預其中好少少。無咁多hesitation。不過錯唔少grammar嘅嘢,同無乜variety of sentence structure,最離譜嘅係講suggestions果度:"it is advisible for the government to encourage young people to..." 跟住又 "it is also advisible for the government to..." =_=|||
到candidate C(即斜對面嘅女仔),個樣、把聲同發音都OK好,有eye contact,不過好似仲緊張過我,窒咗五、六次度……佢講嘅係abortion。
最後係candidate D(右面嘅男仔),發音一般,都好緊張,「er」咗五、六次度……佢好似掛住有eye contact,唔係好記得內容(或緊張),"er... er"……佢好似過高科技犯罪和其解決方法。
順帶一提,我望住candidate D present嗰陣,同時望到個local female examiner,眼神有啲惡……(不過candidate D無望過我,算)
跟住group discussion……主要討論嘅嘢唔難:discuss the most three serious problems in Hong Kong and its effects, and aslo discuss how to solve the problems.
不過一開頭……俾candidate D「搶」住開頭同做"leader"。OK, fine. 但佢竟然照條題目講一次……跟住佢話serious probelm係crime……咁空泛嘅,之後佢拋咗個「爛攤子」我: "What's your opinion... Mr Lee?" 我反應唔切,爆咗句"drug abuse",之後突然諗唔到嘢講 =_=||| 呢個「爛攤子」俾C小姐執咗,不過只係求其話"agree",無elaborate,就講自己嘅拿手嘢"absortion"。最後A小姐都出埋聲,講commit suicide。
我唔制,我要再講番我嘅drug abuse。
之後,似乎一片混亂,problems未講得好,又連埋effects一齊講……我都想「撥亂反正」,不過自己都講嘢都唔係好掂,無出口……最終渾渾噩噩就完咗,最後一句係我講(類似):"...if the children are educated with healthy concepts, when they grow up, they can lead a healthier life." 個timer啱啱好響,跟住C小組喺度笑(我),我都知呢句嘢好白癡,不過好似大家最尾無嘢講先……
Individual presentation嘅問題基本上上面已經講咗。
自於group discussion……我見個個candidate嘅水平差唔多,所以今次我頗有衝動想帶頭,不過當我一打開個口,就俾D先生「搶」咗,跟住佢就重讀問題……
如果俾我開頭呢,我就會單刀直入,話discuss咩serious problem先,達到共識後(可能多過三個suggestion),就再就嗰三個problem講對應嘅effect,最後就solution……咁樣我諗個討論會有條理啲。
不過都唔可以怪哂D先生,其他組員(包括自己)都無好好控制flow of discussion points,諗到乜就即刻講……
以下資料從mini forum轉貼(見到人哋做我嗰題presentation做得咁好,死了……)
Set 15 ~ Obesity
Candidate A:
1. in the past ,many people worried about the shortage of food , when the population growth rapidly ,but the greatest problem, is overeating. Resources are not evenly distributed over the world, so people have no enough food to eat in some poor countries,whereas people eat too much in some rich countries and they may be obese.
2. according to World Health Organization,the no.of obesity is increasing in United State and some rich cities such as Beijing. It seems that the richer the people are,the more possible they are obese. There are many effects such as heart disease, cancer etc. the main reason is that people earn too much money. and most of them spend so much of their income on buying food.
3. A survey in 2003,shown that 60% of American were obesity
4. There are many different kinds of fast food shops,such as McDonal's and KFC.A reason of obesity is eating too much fast food from these shops. the government impose a tax on fattening items
Candidate B:
1. Mc Donald's is a fast-food shop chain, having 30,000 branches in the 119 countries, it serves about 47million people everyday.
2. Some people said that eating fast-food would increase people's weight. But MacDonald's denies and claim that their food are nutritious. A man called morgan tried to show the adverse effect of eating mcdonald food.he ate a mcdonald food for one month and he suffered from overweight and depression! he made it as a file which is "Super Size Me" (不瘦降之迷)
3. Mc Donald's claimed that eating their food would not bring any health problems becourse they have provided some healthy food like salad and fruits.
4. MacDonald's have try to serve some low-fat burger. However, it is not popular. other company like KFC which is popular for the fried chicken also claimed that it is difficult to provide some healthy food but they have tried. Both fast food restaurants and people who choose to eat fast food should bear the responsibility on being unhealthy.
Candidate C:
(1)The increase of number of overweight case are alarming both doctors and expert.
(2)everyone just sit in front of their computer for work and sit in front of the textbook for study and lack of physical activity
(3)according to HK university and Professor Lam, the no. of deaths
increases mainly due to the lack of activity. he suggest people have regular exercise in order to be heathy and avoid obesity. Many expert told us want to responsible to our own health.
(4)The government also make many advertisement and educate people how to be fit.
Candidate D:
1. 在一間英國的超級市場,以前只售買幾種番茄,但現在已增加至十多種。為什麼要售價十多種同一類的食物呢?那是因為現在的人比以前富有。他們有能力追求食品的多完性 (the different variety of food)。people are richer,eat more.The more the money, the more they eat.
2. 從前英國人平均每星期會買一次食物,現在已增加至三至四次。他們也肯花較多的金錢來買食物。因為吃得多,所以人們過胖 (obesity) 的情況堰來越嚴重。they change diet from egg to meat.
3. 政府應該制訂多些regulations。在美國,有人建議禁止在學校售賣汽水;在歐洲,fastfood不能在電視賣廣告。縱然如此,過胖的人數仍然上升。
4. In Australia, the government imposes tax on convience food and snacks but not on fruit and vegetable.
Group Discussion :
You and your classmates are asked to plan an project on the topic "Obesity".
You may want to discuss about: What are the reasons caused obesity, what problems would Obesity cause, how to redue obesity, and what the government or school can do promote how to decrease obesity. You have to give some examples.
Set 16 ~
Candidate A:
1:Having a walk in the remote area anf countryside is popular but become more dangerous
2:Some hikers are attacked by robbers using weapons like sticks and knives, some of the victims are even tied on the trees
3: Professionals suggest that hikers should hike in groups so that they can call for help easily. In addition, some standard equipments fro hiking is also essential.
4: Some experts give advices about protecting ourseleves. Hikers should always stay alert and cautious. Stay calm when you are attacked by robbers. Ordinary hikers should report to the police if they see somebody suspicious.
Candidate B:
(1)Nowadays, since the increasing number of youth crime, youth leader group has a discussion in this part.Youth crime may include stealing things from someone, involved in activities organised by gang or triad activities' members
(2)There have three reasons for this problem. The first one is they are influenced by their peers...they may commit crime easily...the second cause is the problem of current housing style...so that they can get close into some bad guys like gang members or triad members very easily
(3)The third cause is that their parents are so busy and worked so long hours...so they feel lonely and they need to someone to have self determination from these bad guys
(4)For these reasons, these youth leader group think two things to deal with it...To begin with, they had to organise some activities that can lead teenagers to be interested in it....and to build some sports activities for them to play in their spare time
Candidate C:
1) the number of abortion in HK is increasing, the rate even higher than some developed countries such as Japan, Britain and Canada
2) abortion is illegal for girls under 18,but more and more girls do this
3) some girls travel to mainland to have abortion ,but the safety there is not good at all
4) sex educaion in HK is not enough, social workers suggest that school can hold some workshop to parents about this issue
Candidate D:
1. HK not safety & crimes increasing cause of technology
2. banking frausd. ppl take other's money away Some ppl uses other's name to use credit card.When the victim knows that, it is so late.
3. Bank is ask ppl to care about their mailbox.And don't give the personal infomation in web.因為有好多fake 既website.
4. Other ways to stolen ppl thing.係人地果bag 度,衫袋度偷野.
Group Discussion :
You are going to hold a talk titled "Hong Kong's new problems" in your school. You should list the three most serious social problems faced by Hong Kong people nowadays, their effects and suggest some solution to these problems.
今日考ALE第一份卷-UE Paper IV (Oral)。
五點三,要上路了 =_="
俾學校「食蕉」check addmission form。
入到waiting room,啲人差唔多坐滿,佢哋都好早吓……我都已經早咗十分鐘,但去到嗰陣已經開始點名(頭一批組嘅人)。
我係第二批,group 20(唔會太夜走嘛……),candidate B(唔錯唔錯)。
六點九(啩)(咁緊張,無乜望鐘……),入preparation room。等time倒數完四分幾鐘就開始真係十分鐘嘅preparation time啦……
好緊張好緊張(番開張試題,試題都差唔多跌咗落地+_+)……"Youth crime",整篇文章,包括內容、用字和結構都唔難……
jot notes,skip咗部分內容,因緊張,同認為應該夠時間(啩)……
竟然有兩分鐘淨,望咗一眼個discussion topic,然後再準備開場白……
十分鐘後,受死了……team 136,最盡頭嘅房。
一見,examiner係foreigner =口= 感覺似Indian,不過聽佢把聲同看佢態度幾仁慈 :) 但係另外嗰個本地女考官個樣就好似有啲惡……
好,candidate A(對面嘅女仔)(姓"Ieong",唔識讀,幾有自信,幾流暢,但發音似乎有啲問題,我聽得幾辛苦吓,不過都大致知道佢講乜,係行山遇劫嘅問題和解決方法。
"Good evening, everyone. Today I would like to talk about "youth crime". As we all know, there has been an increasing number of juvilenile deliquency. There is a couple of reasons for that..."
- feel bored, not enough facilities for young people to enjoy
- housing packed too close, higher chance to meet bad guys
- feel lonely, lack of communication with parents (parents are not good models that can be followed <= skipped)
to tackle the problems:
- encourge young people to join more healthy activities, not to think or do other bad things)
- join sports activities, let young people to learn how to cooperate with other people and get a sense of satisifation from them
剩十至廿秒,都緊張到無放個opinion,wasted time +_+...
唔……比預其中好少少。無咁多hesitation。不過錯唔少grammar嘅嘢,同無乜variety of sentence structure,最離譜嘅係講suggestions果度:"it is advisible for the government to encourage young people to..." 跟住又 "it is also advisible for the government to..." =_=|||
到candidate C(即斜對面嘅女仔),個樣、把聲同發音都OK好,有eye contact,不過好似仲緊張過我,窒咗五、六次度……佢講嘅係abortion。
最後係candidate D(右面嘅男仔),發音一般,都好緊張,「er」咗五、六次度……佢好似掛住有eye contact,唔係好記得內容(或緊張),"er... er"……佢好似過高科技犯罪和其解決方法。
順帶一提,我望住candidate D present嗰陣,同時望到個local female examiner,眼神有啲惡……(不過candidate D無望過我,算)
跟住group discussion……主要討論嘅嘢唔難:discuss the most three serious problems in Hong Kong and its effects, and aslo discuss how to solve the problems.
不過一開頭……俾candidate D「搶」住開頭同做"leader"。OK, fine. 但佢竟然照條題目講一次……跟住佢話serious probelm係crime……咁空泛嘅,之後佢拋咗個「爛攤子」我: "What's your opinion... Mr Lee?" 我反應唔切,爆咗句"drug abuse",之後突然諗唔到嘢講 =_=||| 呢個「爛攤子」俾C小姐執咗,不過只係求其話"agree",無elaborate,就講自己嘅拿手嘢"absortion"。最後A小姐都出埋聲,講commit suicide。
我唔制,我要再講番我嘅drug abuse。
之後,似乎一片混亂,problems未講得好,又連埋effects一齊講……我都想「撥亂反正」,不過自己都講嘢都唔係好掂,無出口……最終渾渾噩噩就完咗,最後一句係我講(類似):"...if the children are educated with healthy concepts, when they grow up, they can lead a healthier life." 個timer啱啱好響,跟住C小組喺度笑(我),我都知呢句嘢好白癡,不過好似大家最尾無嘢講先……
Individual presentation嘅問題基本上上面已經講咗。
自於group discussion……我見個個candidate嘅水平差唔多,所以今次我頗有衝動想帶頭,不過當我一打開個口,就俾D先生「搶」咗,跟住佢就重讀問題……
如果俾我開頭呢,我就會單刀直入,話discuss咩serious problem先,達到共識後(可能多過三個suggestion),就再就嗰三個problem講對應嘅effect,最後就solution……咁樣我諗個討論會有條理啲。
不過都唔可以怪哂D先生,其他組員(包括自己)都無好好控制flow of discussion points,諗到乜就即刻講……
以下資料從mini forum轉貼(見到人哋做我嗰題presentation做得咁好,死了……)
Set 15 ~ Obesity
Candidate A:
1. in the past ,many people worried about the shortage of food , when the population growth rapidly ,but the greatest problem, is overeating. Resources are not evenly distributed over the world, so people have no enough food to eat in some poor countries,whereas people eat too much in some rich countries and they may be obese.
2. according to World Health Organization,the no.of obesity is increasing in United State and some rich cities such as Beijing. It seems that the richer the people are,the more possible they are obese. There are many effects such as heart disease, cancer etc. the main reason is that people earn too much money. and most of them spend so much of their income on buying food.
3. A survey in 2003,shown that 60% of American were obesity
4. There are many different kinds of fast food shops,such as McDonal's and KFC.A reason of obesity is eating too much fast food from these shops. the government impose a tax on fattening items
Candidate B:
1. Mc Donald's is a fast-food shop chain, having 30,000 branches in the 119 countries, it serves about 47million people everyday.
2. Some people said that eating fast-food would increase people's weight. But MacDonald's denies and claim that their food are nutritious. A man called morgan tried to show the adverse effect of eating mcdonald food.he ate a mcdonald food for one month and he suffered from overweight and depression! he made it as a file which is "Super Size Me" (不瘦降之迷)
3. Mc Donald's claimed that eating their food would not bring any health problems becourse they have provided some healthy food like salad and fruits.
4. MacDonald's have try to serve some low-fat burger. However, it is not popular. other company like KFC which is popular for the fried chicken also claimed that it is difficult to provide some healthy food but they have tried. Both fast food restaurants and people who choose to eat fast food should bear the responsibility on being unhealthy.
Candidate C:
(1)The increase of number of overweight case are alarming both doctors and expert.
(2)everyone just sit in front of their computer for work and sit in front of the textbook for study and lack of physical activity
(3)according to HK university and Professor Lam, the no. of deaths
increases mainly due to the lack of activity. he suggest people have regular exercise in order to be heathy and avoid obesity. Many expert told us want to responsible to our own health.
(4)The government also make many advertisement and educate people how to be fit.
Candidate D:
1. 在一間英國的超級市場,以前只售買幾種番茄,但現在已增加至十多種。為什麼要售價十多種同一類的食物呢?那是因為現在的人比以前富有。他們有能力追求食品的多完性 (the different variety of food)。people are richer,eat more.The more the money, the more they eat.
2. 從前英國人平均每星期會買一次食物,現在已增加至三至四次。他們也肯花較多的金錢來買食物。因為吃得多,所以人們過胖 (obesity) 的情況堰來越嚴重。they change diet from egg to meat.
3. 政府應該制訂多些regulations。在美國,有人建議禁止在學校售賣汽水;在歐洲,fastfood不能在電視賣廣告。縱然如此,過胖的人數仍然上升。
4. In Australia, the government imposes tax on convience food and snacks but not on fruit and vegetable.
Group Discussion :
You and your classmates are asked to plan an project on the topic "Obesity".
You may want to discuss about: What are the reasons caused obesity, what problems would Obesity cause, how to redue obesity, and what the government or school can do promote how to decrease obesity. You have to give some examples.
Set 16 ~
Candidate A:
1:Having a walk in the remote area anf countryside is popular but become more dangerous
2:Some hikers are attacked by robbers using weapons like sticks and knives, some of the victims are even tied on the trees
3: Professionals suggest that hikers should hike in groups so that they can call for help easily. In addition, some standard equipments fro hiking is also essential.
4: Some experts give advices about protecting ourseleves. Hikers should always stay alert and cautious. Stay calm when you are attacked by robbers. Ordinary hikers should report to the police if they see somebody suspicious.
Candidate B:
(1)Nowadays, since the increasing number of youth crime, youth leader group has a discussion in this part.Youth crime may include stealing things from someone, involved in activities organised by gang or triad activities' members
(2)There have three reasons for this problem. The first one is they are influenced by their peers...they may commit crime easily...the second cause is the problem of current housing style...so that they can get close into some bad guys like gang members or triad members very easily
(3)The third cause is that their parents are so busy and worked so long hours...so they feel lonely and they need to someone to have self determination from these bad guys
(4)For these reasons, these youth leader group think two things to deal with it...To begin with, they had to organise some activities that can lead teenagers to be interested in it....and to build some sports activities for them to play in their spare time
Candidate C:
1) the number of abortion in HK is increasing, the rate even higher than some developed countries such as Japan, Britain and Canada
2) abortion is illegal for girls under 18,but more and more girls do this
3) some girls travel to mainland to have abortion ,but the safety there is not good at all
4) sex educaion in HK is not enough, social workers suggest that school can hold some workshop to parents about this issue
Candidate D:
1. HK not safety & crimes increasing cause of technology
2. banking frausd. ppl take other's money away Some ppl uses other's name to use credit card.When the victim knows that, it is so late.
3. Bank is ask ppl to care about their mailbox.And don't give the personal infomation in web.因為有好多fake 既website.
4. Other ways to stolen ppl thing.係人地果bag 度,衫袋度偷野.
Group Discussion :
You are going to hold a talk titled "Hong Kong's new problems" in your school. You should list the three most serious social problems faced by Hong Kong people nowadays, their effects and suggest some solution to these problems.