2007-01-24 22:23:25皇帝女

About me!

This is just for you:

I was sitting in the shadow of some
mesmorizing ruins

I noticed a long haired girl out of the corner of my eye - but I didn’t know
what she was doing

While I was thinking of my driver of my
rented moto

The sweet looking Chinese girl was busy taking photos

I tried to take one of her with her back to
me - I liked the way her legs were crossed

But she turned around fast so the moment was lost

But that’s what brought on her smile

And I knew that second that I wanted to be around her for a while

We talked

We walked

We flicked

We clicked

We sat

We stood

We rested

We tested

I flirted

She skirted

I dreamed

She beamed

Not bad thought I as the lazy day got eaten
up by time way too fast

I was wishing that some how I could make it last

But with plans for dinner

We parted ways at sunset

Over fish and red wine

I was so glad I’d met her

Her smile warm and her heart good

I’d spend more time with her if I only could

Her skin milky white

Which looked so good in the glow of the tropical sun light

It sure looked smooth - I had to surpress my
thoughts...And I did have thoughts, yeah alot

Late that night I walked her back to her hotel
not wanting the day to end

But I felt good inside knowing I’d found the mother-load

Not unlike presious, shinnig gold

A new friend

Thank You...Mr T
