2005-02-19 04:22:09K

《Finding Neverland》(小飛俠前傳之魔幻童心)

在《Finding Neverland》有很多「假裝」﹕Mr. Snow假裝戲劇很好看;Mary假裝跟Barrie還有感情;Barrie下棋時假裝有對手;Barrie假裝一切安好;Peter假裝是一個成年人;Sylvia假裝沒有病;Davies一家假裝當Barrie是家人。

人面對現實的苦楚,常常假裝沒事,希望藉此蒙混過去。唯有不懂世事的小孩,才不明現實的苦楚,能天真快樂地過活。當《Finding Neverland》強調釋放想像力,重獲童心去面對現實的苦楚,天真快樂地過活。心靈上能從苦楚有一刻間的釋放。不過,苦楚卻真實的存在,問題沒有因此而解決,值得嗎?James Barrie六歲時,母親最疼愛的兒子、James的十三歲兄長David滑冰摔死了,母親傷心欲絕。James為了從David陰影裏獲取母愛,模仿David。母親開始注意James及依舊忽略其他孩子。James驚覺自己沒法獲取母愛,走到Neverland去了。在Margaret Ogilvy (1897)中,三十七歲的James Barrie 說:「She [Margaret] lived twenty-nine years after his [David] death. . . But I had not made her forget the bit of her that was dead; in those nine-and-twenty years [David] was not removed one day farther from her.」。最終James Barrie沒法在現實獲取母愛。釋放想像力,就是釋放苦楚。假裝沒事是囚牢,重獲童心也是囚牢。亙古以來,從未有人真正走出現實的囚牢。

眾人說Peter Davis是Peter Pan的原型,Peter Davis說James Barrie才是Peter Pan。可謂搔到癢處,從來Peter Davis就最會假裝,怎會是Peter Pan?Peter Davis是自殺死的,倫敦的Daily Express (1960)報導:
"Until he died at 68 [he was actually 63] Peter Davies was Peter Pan. He was the Little Boy Who Never Grew Up; the boy who believed in fairies. The name was a gift to him from playwright Sir James Barrie, and Peter Davies hated it all his life. But he was never allowed to forget it until, as a shy, retiring publisher, he fell to his death on Tuesday night."James Barrie不是David Barrie,Peter Davis也不是Peter Pan。

唯有孤兒看《Peter Pan》的笑聲便是不能「假裝」。「童心」不能「假裝」。不過,笑聲過後的孤兒在幻想中可以到Neverland,卻離不開孤兒院。二十五位孤兒的笑聲可以頃刻誘發一班上流社會觀眾的童心,但有多少個由此改變生活態度?可能《Peter Pan》可以做到一個成功的舞臺效果,卻未能為觀眾開啟通向Neverland的門。

像Peter Pan般不長大,多好!

看過Marc Forster導演的《Finding Neverland》,更想看Allan Knee導演的原著舞臺劇《The Man Who Was Peter Pan 》

幾點《Finding Neverland》的補充: