2012-05-19 02:24:03微塵絮

Frank Vogel is the true Cinderella story

關於溜馬隊總教練Frank Vogel的文章其實不少見,這一篇倒是有更多的消息來源和它者觀點,極好。

作者: pheather (   ) 看板: PACERS
標題: [情報] Frank Vogel is the true Cinderella story
時間: Fri Apr 22 02:59:13 2011

From: IndyStar

In Pacers-Bulls, Frank Vogel is the true Cinderella story
Written by Jeff Rabjohns           April 16, 2011
Frank Vogel's coaching career began as a video coordinator under Rick Pitino
at Kentucky. At least that's how the story usually begins.
Frank Vogel 的執教生涯,是從在 Kentucky 名教練 Rick Pitino 底下擔任錄像專員開
In reality, that was an ending, because by then Vogel had secured a spot on
the coaching ladder under one of the biggest names in the business. How far
he would climb was far from being determined, but he was on his way,
但事實上,故事在此早就告一段落,因為此時 Vogel 已經在籃球界最有份量的教練團隊

Vogel's real journey is about how an unknown college student from a tiny
school on the East Coast talked and worked his way into one of the most
storied programs in college basketball when it was contending for national
Vogel 真正的故事,是從東岸一間沒沒無聞小學校的學生身份開始,靠著言談和工作表
Vogel is now the interim coach of the Indiana Pacers, leading the team into
its first playoff appearance in five years by going 20-18 since replacing Jim
O'Brien in late January.
Vogel 現在擔任印地安納溜馬隊的過渡教練,在一月末取代 Jim O'Brien 之後,帶領球
隊打出 20 勝 18 敗的成績,睽違五年後首次重返季後賽。
At one time, he was just a pre-med student playing small-college basketball.
Instead of finishing his senior year, he threw a few belongings into a
beat-up 1989 Dodge Colt and drove from New Jersey to Lexington, Ky.
開著他那 1989 年的破 Dodge Colt 車,從 New Jersey 前往 Lexington, Ky.

When he arrived, this fast-talking East Coast guy wasn't exactly welcomed in
the Bluegrass State. It didn't matter. He would do anything -- even "picking
up jockstraps and taking care of the laundry" -- for the chance to learn
under Pitino.
作任何事 -- 包括收拾護檔和打掃洗衣間 -- 只為了能在 Pitino 底下學習。
Sometimes staying up 24 hours in a row, Vogel proved his worth and was
ultimately rewarded with a position on Pitino's staff.
Vogel 有時甚至連續熬夜 24 小時工作,證明了自己的價值,也爭取到 Pitino 團隊中
Humble beginnings
The journey began with a kid who barely belonged on his high school team.
Standing only 5-5 as a sophomore, Vogel played at Wildwood High School in New
Jersey and, unrecruited by colleges, enrolled at Division III Juniata College
in Huntingdon, Pa.

故事從一個勉強擠進高中校隊的小伙子開始。Vogel 在 New Jersey 的 Wildwood 高中
打球,高二時只有 5 呎 5 吋高,也沒有收到任何大學的招生邀請,後來加入了位於賓
州 Huntingdon,Division III 的 Juniata 大學。
By his junior year, he was captain of the basketball team and being a biology
major had taken a back seat to his desire to be a basketball coach. He
figured his 2.6 grade-point average wasn't going to get him into medical
school anyway.
自己 GPA 2.6 的成績不足以讓他進入醫學院。
"I had become infatuated with the college basketball game . . . and in
particular what coach Pitino was doing at Kentucky," Vogel said.
Vogel 說道:「我當時完全迷上了大學籃球……特別是 Pitino 教練的 Kentucky 大學
Working at the legendary Five-Star Basketball Camp in the New York area,
Vogel asked for an introduction to Pitino, who was there recruiting along
with O'Brien, then a Pitino assistant.

藉著在著名的紐約五星籃球營工作的機會,Vogel 向當時偕同助理 O'Brien 一起前往招
生的 Pitino 毛遂自薦。
"Rick was like, 'We appreciate your interest and if there's anything we can
do when you get down there, let us know,' " Vogel said. "To me, that was
enough to take a leap of faith."
Vogel 說:「Rick 當時好像是說『感謝你的關注,如果有什麼我們能幫得上忙的地方,
The conversation lasted about 60 seconds.
這段談話只有短短的 60 秒。
Even before that meeting, Vogel had written letters to Pitino, passionately
stating his love for basketball, his desire to learn and willingness to work
for nothing.
而在這次會談之前,Vogel 也寫信給 Pitino 過,熱情地敘述了對籃球的熱愛,學習的

"When I got a long letter from him saying he wanted to be a manager at UK and
that he would take anything, he just wants to come learn under me at UK, I
was blown away that a kid from New Jersey would want to come to Kentucky,"
Pitino said. "I took it as a compliment from a man who had great ambition and
wanted to be a basketball junkie, and that's exactly what he was."
Pitino 說:「當我收到他的長信,說他想要在 UK 擔任經理,願意作任何事只為了能到
我底下學習,我嚇了一跳:New Jersey 的小伙子居然想要到 Kentucky 來。我把這當成
Vogel arrived at Kentucky in the fall of 1994. He wanted to walk on to the
basketball team. He was told those spots are reserved for in-state students.
Vogel 在 1994 年秋天來到 Kentucky。他想要以自願者身份加入球隊,但被告知位置得
He went to Bill Keightley, the equipment manager whose tenure at UK dated
back to Adolph Rupp, and asked to be a manager. Those spots also were
reserved for in-state students.

他跑去找 Bill Keightley,UK 的裝備管理員,年資甚至可追溯到 Adolph Rupp 執教的
After a few weeks, Vogel feared his dream was slipping, but a phrase stuck in
his head: If there's anything we can do when you get down there, let us know.
幾個星期後,Vogel 害怕他的夢想會就這麼溜走,但他腦海裡浮現了一句話:如果有什
Vogel went to see O'Brien. The coaches worked it out with Keightley. Vogel
would be a manager and help O'Brien in the film room. It was all volunteer.
No promises, and no pay.
Vogel 去見了 O'Brien。他搞定了 Keightley 那方面。Vogel 將擔任經理,和 O'Brien
"I was just happy to be a part of the program," Vogel said. ". . . It was
really paying-your-dues type of responsibilities."
Vogel 說:「我為了能成為團隊一分子而高興。……那是個辛苦,但有收穫的職位。」
Kentucky had just purchased a high-tech digital video editing system.
O'Brien, who was in charge of film at the time, wanted to know if Vogel was
Kentucky 剛購入一套高科技的影像編輯系統。當時負責錄像的 O'Brien 問 Vogel 是否
"I could barely type at the time, but I told him, 'Oh yeah,' " Vogel said. "I
became one with the video machine. I could take it apart and put it back
together myself, I got so good with it."
Vogel 說:「我當時連打字都還不太會打,但我還是告訴他:『喔,當然會。』我成了
His first year at Kentucky, the 1994-95 basketball season, Vogel spent more
time editing film than doing almost anything else, including sleeping. The
assistant coaches were impressed.
Vogel 在 Kentucky 的第一年,1994-95 球季,花了比作其他任何事情都還多的時間在

"They were all telling me, and they meant this in a good way, 'This guy is
sick. He was up all night with me, watching me do all these things, asking
questions.' They all spoke so highly of Frank," Pitino said. "I never thought
he would get married because I thought he was married to watching film. I
didn't think he had time for girls."
Pitino 說:「他們告訴我:『這傢伙太猛了。他和我熬了整晚,看著我做這作那,問一
堆問題』,當然是稱讚的意思。他們對 Frank 的評價都很高。我甚至沒想過他居然能結
The rest of the team managers were Kentucky natives, who grew up as part of
Big Blue Nation, as UK fans refer to themselves. Vogel didn't fit.
其他球隊經理都是 Kentucky 當地人,從小就耳濡目染成為 UK 球迷。Vogel 卻不是。
"We were all good ol' boys from Kentucky and knew everything about UK
basketball and the pride involved there, and some little guy from New Jersey
with a bad accent is trying to squeak in here," said Brian Stocker, another
team manager at the time.
Brian Stocket,當時另一位球隊經理說:「我們都是土生土長的 Kentucky 人,瞭解一
切關於 UK 籃球的事情和驕傲,一個從 New Jersey 來,講話口音超重的的小傢伙,居

"Frank would get lost during practices because he was so focused on studying
coach Pitino and the offense and the defense. The other managers were off
doing their work. He would get in trouble as a manager sometimes because his
heart and passion were in coaching."
「Frank 有時在練球時會感到失落,因為他的目標是學習 Pitino 的執教、進攻和防守
The Kentucky boys, though, were soon won over by Vogel's passion for
basketball and to this day remain friends.
然而,這群 Kentucky 男孩很快就被 Vogel 對籃球的熱情給征服了,直到今日他們都還
Heavy film load
The film work was extensive: Kentucky's previous game, Kentucky's upcoming
opponent, individual cuts for each UK player, individual cuts for opponents
each UK player would be defending.

錄像的工作內容很廣泛:Kentucky 之前的比賽,未來的對手,每一個 UK 球員的個人剪
輯,每一個 UK 球員將防守的對象的個人剪輯。
All of it fell to Vogel, and he loved it.
全部的工作都落在 Vogel 頭上,而他也熱愛這份工作。
"You come across a couple of these guys maybe every five to seven years, and
you don't think they're going to pass academically because they're spending
so much time breaking down film," Pitino said.
Pitino 說:「大概每五到七年,就會遇到幾個花大把時間弄錄像的傢伙,甚至會擔心他
The other players and managers living in Wildcat Lodge seldom saw Vogel. They
picked up quickly that he was serious about basketball. If they needed to
find him, they went to the film room.
其他住在野貓隊宿舍的球員和經理很少看到 Vogel。他們很快就知道他對籃球的熱情是

In addition to required textbooks, Vogel's side of his room was filled with
books about coaching and motivation. One of his favorites was full of sayings.
除了必要的教科書外,Vogel 的房間內堆滿了關於執教和鼓勵的書籍。他最愛的書本之
"He'd always be hitting us with those quotes," said Sean Gray, another
manager at the time. "We could all tell very shortly after he got there that
we'd be seeing him coaching for some NBA team someday."
Sean Gray,另一位當時的經理說道:「他總是會引經據典來和我們講話。我們很快就知
道,總有一天我們會看到他在 NBA 某支隊伍執教。」
After the 1995-96 season, when Vogel was essentially a fifth-year senior, he
graduated with a degree in biology.
在 1995-96 球季之後,Vogel 當時大五,畢業拿到生物學學位。
Pitino had seen enough. Vogel had proved himself. Pitino created the job of
video coordinator for Vogel. When Pitino left for the NBA's Boston Celtics,
Vogel went with him, eventually moving up to assistant coach, following
O'Brien to the Pacers and taking over when O'Brien was fired midseason.

Pitino 已經觀察他夠久了。Vogel 已經證明了自己。Pitino 為 Vogel 設了錄像專員的
職位。而當 Pitino 前往波士頓賽爾蒂克執教的時候,Vogel 也跟著他一起去,晉升到
助理教練之職,爾後又隨著 O'Brien 來到溜馬隊,在 O'Brien 季中被炒後接手。
To those who knew him at Kentucky, none of this is a surprise, especially not
his former roommate for two years, Cameron Mills, who had to put up with one
unbending Vogel ritual. Each night, Vogel went to sleep to the movie
對那些在 Kentucky 就認識他的人而言,這一切都不意外。尤其是和他當了兩年室友的
Cameron Mills 更是如此。他必須忍受 Vogel 從不妥協的「儀式」:每天晚上,Vogel
"Any of us that play basketball, we get the movie, but to fall asleep to it
every night? I mean every night, he put that movie in and went to sleep.
Sometimes I'd come in the room, Frank would be asleep and 'Hoosiers' would be
playing," Mills said. "That takes it to another level."
Mills 說:「咱們打籃球的都知道這部電影。但是每天晚上放這部入睡?我說的是『每
晚』,他都放這部片然後上床睡覺。有時我回到房間,Frank 已經睡著了,而 Hoosiers

Frank Vogel 個人檔案:
2011/01/30 被任命為溜馬過渡教練,取代 Jim O'Brien。一開始打出 7 勝 1 敗佳績,
最後以 20 勝 18 敗的成績收尾。
年齡:37 歲
家庭:妻子 Jenifer;女兒 Alexa 和 Arianna
高中:Wildwood, N.J.
大學:前三年在賓州 Division III 的 Juniata College;1994 轉學到 Kentucky,畢
業於 1996 年
執教歷程:Kentucky 錄像專員(1996-97);波士頓賽爾蒂克錄像專員(1997-2001);
溜馬過渡教練(2011/01/30 迄今)

「從 Frank 擔任錄像專員的工作後,我們就很少看到他。我們知道
他根本不睡覺。我們知道他負責剪輯一個月內不會碰頭對手的影片,還得剪輯每個 play
,把每個球員的片段整理出來,還有其他有的沒的。但我們還知道的是:Frank 真的熱
愛這份工作。」                             -- 前 Kentucky 球員 Cameron Mills
