2007-07-06 00:51:53微塵絮

Chris Benoit, family found dead

WWE star killed family, self
Police: ’Roids found at scene of Benoit murder-suicide

WWE明星選手殺害了家人 和他自己

Pro wrestler Chris Benoit strangled his wife, suffocated his 7-year-old son and placed a Bible next to their bodies before hanging himself with a
weight-machine pulley, authorities said Tuesday.

官方(警方)表示 職業摔角選手Benoit先勒死了自己的妻子
最後用自己的重訓器材的滑輪組 以上吊的方式結束了自己的生命

Investigators found anabolic steroids in the house and want to know whether the muscle man nicknamed "The Canadian Crippler" was unhinged by the bodybuilding drugs, which can cause paranoia, depression and explosiveoutbursts known as "roid rage."

常被健身者戲稱為"The Canadian Crippler"的類固醇
導致無法控制自己的情緒 進入"爆怒"的狀況

Authorities offered no motive for the killings, which were spread out over aweekend, and would not discuss
Benoit’s state of mind. No suicide note was


"I’m baffled about why anybody would kill a 7-year-old," District AttorneyScott Ballard said.
"I don’t think we’ll ever be able wrap our head aroundhat."
當地的律師Scott Ballard說 他沒辦法相信有人會殺了一個只有七歲大的小孩

The Montreal-born Benoit was one of the stars of the WWE wrestling circuitand was known for his wholesome family-man image. His wife, Nancy, was awrestling stage manager who worked under the name "Woman." They married in2000.

當時叫做"Woman" 他與Benoit在2000年結婚

When he won the world heavyweight championship in 2004, Benoit (pronouncedben-WAH) hoisted the belt over his head and invited his wife and child intothe ring to celebrate. Asked by the Calgary Sun that same year to name his worst vice: Benoit replied:
"Quality time with my family is a big vice. It’ssomething
I’ll fight for and crave."

還有一些接受Calgary Sun訪問的回答

Nevertheless, Nancy Benoit filed for a divorce in 2003, saying the couple’sthree-year marriage was irrevocably broken and alleging "cruel treatment."She later dropped the complaint,
as well as a request for a restraining orderin which she charged that the 5-foot-10, 220-pound Benoit had threatened herand had broken furniture in their home.

Nancy Benoit在2003年提出了離婚申請

In the divorce filing, she said Benoit made more than $500,000 a year as a professional wrestler and asked for permanent custody of Daniel and child support. In his response, Benoit sought joint custody.

包括要求小孩的扶養權與監護權 還有贍養費等

The bodies were found Monday afternoon in the house, situated off a gravel road in this suburb about 20 miles south of Atlanta.


Benoit’s 43-year-old wife was killed Friday in an upstairs family room, her feet and wrists were bound and there was blood under her head, indicating a possible struggle, Ballard said. Daniel was probably killed late Saturday or early Sunday, the body found in his bed, the district attorney said.

她的遺體在主臥室被發現 她的手腳都被綁著 在她的頭部也有血跡

Benoit, 40, apparently hanged himself several hours and as long as a daylater, Ballard said. His body was found in a downstairs weight room, his bodyfound hanging from the pulley of a piece of exercise equipment.

Benoit(40) 是在被發現前幾個小時上吊自殺的

A closed Bible was placed next to the bodies of the wife and son, authoritiessaid.

有關當局說 一本闔上的聖經放在他妻子與兒子的遺體旁

The prosecutor said he found it "bizarre" that the WWE wrestling star spreadout the killings over a weekend and appeared to remain in the house for up to a day with the bodies.


Toxicology test results may not be available for weeks or even months,Ballard said. As for whether steroids played a role in the crime, he said:
"We don’t know yet. That’s one of the things we’ll be looking at."


Steroids have been linked to the deaths of several professional wrestlers in recent years. Eddie Guerrero, one of Benoit’s best friends, died in 2005 from
heart failure linked to long-term steroid use.

Benoit的摯友Eddie Guerrero 他的死因(心臟問題)也被認為與類固醇有關係

The father of Curt "Mr. Pefect" Hennig blamed steroids and painkillers for Hennig’s drug overdose death in 2003. Davey Boy Smith, the "British Bulldog,
"died in 2002 from heart failure that a coroner said was probably caused by steroids.

提到了"Mr. Pefect"和"British Bulldog"的死因-藥物過量(類固醇)

Benoit was a quiet, roughhewn figure amid the glitz and bluster of prowrestling. He performed under his real name, eschewed scripted personas and didn’t bother to fix a gap where he had lost one of his front teeth.(According to the WWE Web site, he lost the tooth while roughhousing with his pet Rottweiler.)

Benoit是個安靜的人 在擂台上的有著華麗且狂野的摔角技巧
他是以真名參加比賽的 而他從不修補他被打斷的門牙

His signature move was the "Crippler Crossface," in which he would lock hishands around an opponent’s face and stretch his neck.

他的成名技"Crippler Crossface"-用他的手臂鎖住對手的臉和頸部

He met his wife in the 1990s when she was married to rival wrestler KevinSullivan. As part of the scripted rivalry, Benoit and Nancy were supposed to act as if they were having an affair. A real romance blossomed, and she left Sullivan for Benoit.

原本Nancy是另一個摔角手Kevin Sullivan的妻子
因為"種種的原因" 最後離開Sullivan而跟Benoit在一起

Neighbors said the Benoits led a low-key lifestyle.


"We would see Chris walking in his yard from time to time. He wasn’t rude,but he wasn’t really outwardly warm," said Alaina Jones, who lives across the street.

住在他們家附近的Alaina Jones說
他不是個大老粗 但他看起來也不是跟人很熱絡的人

Jimmy Baswell, who was Benoit’s driver for more than five years, placed a white wreath at the Benoits’ gate. "They always seemed like they were the happiest people," he said.

World Wrestling Entertainment said on its Web site that it asked authorities to check on Benoit and his family after being alerted by friends who had received "several curious text messages sent by Benoit early Sunday morning."

WWE的官方網站上 有許多Benoit的朋友
有人提到 他在星期日早上收到了幾封奇怪的簡訊

"He was like a family member to me, and everyone in my family is taking it real hard,
" said fellow Canadian Bret Hart, a five-time champion.

Bret Hart提到Benoit就像他的家人一樣

The WWE canceled its live "Monday Night RAW" card in Corpus Christi, Texas,after the bodies were discovered.

Monday’s show was supposed to be a memorial service for WWE owner Vince McMahon. In a storyline concocted by the WWE, McMahon was supposedly "assassinated" in a limousine explosion two weeks earlier. McMahon appeared at the beginning of Monday’s telecast and acknowledged the bombing was made up.

星期一的節目(RAW)取消在德州的錄影 改成紀念Benoit的節目

The McMahon storyline has been dropped.







