2004-07-28 01:51:30禪蟬嬋

My Birthday

Thanks for my friends that celebrate my birthday for me ~~~~
We first go to drink and then take photo stickers. Only Lo wai is not presented.
Debby is not here as well..Ai..you are the second year that you cant celebrate my brithday la~~ But anyway, i remember our meeting in 1/10, right?~~
And then we go to BBQ in Victoria Park. Those friends are Angie, Kay, Ivan, Fiona, Tung Bak, Lo Wai, Dickson, Joecole and I. I haevnt seen Joecole for a long time la~~So misss him ar~~ I think you are handsomer than before wor~heeehee~~
Ka Bo and William only give me the birthday presant only~~I like their present very much!!~~~ And Angie's one is good as well~~~
We play card afterward. The loser this time are Lo Wai and Joecole. They need to dance in Victoria Park!!~~ And then I and Dickson. This is my first that I lose. I and Dickson need to pretend argue in front of peolpe. And then Kay and Tung Bak, they need to kiss 3 times each. I dont think it is excited becasue they use tissue and then kiss face only~~ It just like some Goodbye kiss in Britain. Ai...After that, We go home lu~~~
I found that my reading peolpe skill is improved and upgraded. Befroe, i need to sit in a specific time, specific condition and specific environemnt in order to read peolpe cprrectly. I need to concentrate on the conversation. But now, I can just read peolpe without other requirement.
However, i dont want to have this skill as most of people's thinking and speaking are not the same. It is very sad to know about that they peolpe you are talking to is lying. So horrible. Therefore, i try to control myself not to read other's thinking so that I wont be sad.

P.S. In Fact, I dont like Mudull.