2011-05-09 16:40:45鼠爸爸媽媽
past tense
this is actually very strange feeling...
i do not feel vinegar today, no pain no tears
i just feel awkward to act,
i thought i let u go already today after the test,
however, i am missing u now...
maybe i lean more on missing our memories...
missing those moments when i loved u so much so much...
missing those moments when i feel im so loved by u...
missing those moments that i laughed so easily...
and u laughed so easily.. and we laughed so easily..
missing those moments that i used 100% body cells to make u happy and feel loved...
missing those moments that our story was still in present tense but not past tense..
missing those moments when u say i love u before we go to bed and your kiss on my forehead...
missing those moments when we dun have to emphasize we are good friends or friends..
missing those moments when u were working on the music hw for me..
y all these suffer and pain come to us? y we are fooled around by God?
it is very painful sometimes to force yourself to move on... but in fact u are still living in the old world...well yes maybe this is what destiny is..