2004-09-14 18:16:45悠悠


早安 遠傳電信客服中心您好 [ 名字 ] 請問有什麼我可以為您服務的嗎
Good morning/afternoon/evening, FarEasTone customer service center[ name] speaking,
How may I help you?
What can I do for you?
How may I assist you ?
我可以知道您的名字 /行動號碼/生日/地址嗎?
May I have your name/ celluar- number/birth date/address , please?

請稍後 我將為您查詢
Please wait a moment , I will check it for you.
Thank you for your waiting /Sorry to keep you waiting
May I beg your pardon? / Could you say that again?
很抱歉 我聽不清您的聲音
I am sorry, I can't hear you very well.
Could you please speak louder?
Would you please speak slower?
很抱歉 您打錯電話了
I am sorry, I am afraid you have the wrong number.
請稍等 我將為您轉接英文人員
Please wait a moment, I will transfer your call to English agent.
I will transfer your call to the other operator.
請稍後 我將為您請示主管
Please wait a moment, I will ask my leader for you
很抱歉 我無法聽的很清楚 請您掛掉後重播 謝謝您的來電 再見
I am sorry, I can't hear you very well. / I can’t hear you very clearly.
Please hang up and call us again. Thanks for calling, good bye.
Is there anything I can do for you?
若有任何問題 請不吝來電
Please feel free to call again anytime.
If you have any questions, just call again.
我們的服務電話是0800058885 或您可從手機上直撥888
Our toll free number is 0800058885
It is our hotline number 0800058885
Or you can dial 888 from your cell-phone.
謝謝您的來電 日安
Thank you for calling / thanks for your call, have a nice day.