2005-03-25 13:10:30尚未設定



畫家梵谷的故鄉, 擁有南法最大的競技場, 也是鬥牛季節的朝聖地...

來到這裡,感覺有點像是來到南法的鄉下一樣...smell like countryside, plus, an extra warm feeling...

他說: He is originally fr the Britain. and asked back: where r u girls fr?
我們的回答一向很妙:we r multinational, but we all study in UK.
他也很酷的回答: No wonder, you speak excellant english.
哈哈, 也因此,我們在館內買的郵票,紀念品,都獲得背後的梵谷紀念館STAMP一枚 :)

小小的一個城市,卻處處都是充滿著梵谷的巨作,eg. 星空下的咖啡館, 隆河的星空...一幅幅的畫都活生生的在亞耳市內...據說 梵谷有三百餘幅話都出於此城呢!

you would probably forget how many paintngs Van Gogh painted here, which year he stayed over here, but there is one thing, you won't forget ever, that's -----the romantic night scene of River Rhone