2006-07-07 13:15:30Nana

I’d rather be right

今天是美國總統布希的生日,他接受了CNN”Larry King Live” 採訪,當他回首關於面對恐怖行動所發動的戰爭,表示他並不在乎民調下降,他說”I’d rather be right than be popular ”

and the picture is from CNN too.



Nana 2006-07-12 19:54:44

Questions!!! IS CNN on the side of Bush? FOr this report is from CNN..
I am in Taipei international airport and waiting for the flight back to Kaohsiung..

sonia 2006-07-12 19:50:06

Unfortunately he is neither right nor popular and that’s the sad part

Nana 2006-07-12 19:47:14

Such a surprise... you come here...

Actually I don’t mind if he is right or not...I just love the way he thinks of himself...