2007-05-27 14:22:00理書

Networker 網路工作者、信差(吟慈)








幾乎所有世界上的族群都有網路工作者(信差)在其團體中,甚至傳遞神與人類之間,像是:猶太教的Raphael天使、基督教的報喜天使、伊斯蘭教的Jibril、印度的Matarisvan、美國印第安那人的老鷹和狼、希臘的彩虹女神和瑟密斯神、羅馬的Mercury、波斯教的Srosh、亞述古國的、蘇美人的Nirah 、阿芝克人的Paynal、薩摩亞的Savali、中國人的Gou Mang、爪哇人的Narada、古挪威人的Gna、Hermod。
Networker (Messenger, Herald, Courier, Journalist, Communicator) Although networking seems like a very modern skill tied to career advancement in the media age, it is actually quite ancient. Networkers expand their sphere of influence by forging alliances and making connections among vastly different groups of people, and can be traced back to the intrigues of the Middle Ages, Greece, Rome, and ancient China. Networking would also have been an integral part of any military alliance as well as all social and clan confederations inprehistory. In its positive aspect, this archetype has a it helps us develop social flexibility and empathy that enables it to find commonality with others who might not at first seem to be potential friends, allies, or confederates. Like the related archetypes of Messenger and Communicator, the Networker has the skills to bring information--or power-- and inspiration to disparate groups of people. The shadow Networker merely uses others for personal gain.
Films: John Boles in A Message to Garcia; Stewart Peterson in Pony Express Rider; Jeff Goldblum in Between the Lines.
Religion/Myth: Almost every culture on earth has or had a messenger of the gods who networks between the divine and human realms, including the angel Raphael (Judaism); Gabriel (Christianity); Jibril (Islam); Matarisvan (Vedic India); Eagle, Coyote (American Indian); Iris, Hermes (Greece); Mercury (Rome); Sraosa (Zoroastrianism); Nusku (Assyria); Nirah (Sumeria); Srosh (Persia); Paynal (Aztec); Savali (Samoa); Gou Mang (China); Narada (Java); Gna, Hermod (Norse).