2007-03-06 19:56:04理書

Femme Fatale 妖姬(繡妙)



宗教/神話:塞斯(在格林童話中的女魔法師,會用她的魔法棒將男人變成動物);Potiphar’s wife(猶太人的聖經,當Potiphar的太太企圖誘惑約瑟失敗後,陷害約瑟被囚禁。在伊斯蘭的傳統裡其被稱為Zeleikha);Tapairu(玻里尼西亞的女神,棲息於通往地獄的水邊。女死神利用她們惑誘男人離開地面);羅蕾萊(日耳曼的神話,一個被愛人拋棄的少女投水溺死,而轉變成為會唱催眠美樂來誘惑水手並使其致死的女妖)。

Don Juan唐璜(過著放蕩生活的西班牙傳說裡的貴族)
nymphs 【希神】【羅神】居於山林水澤的仙女、女神
Lorelei 【德】羅蕾萊(德國文學及傳說中的女妖)
Femme Fatale (Black Widow, Flirt, Siren, Circe, Seductress, Enchantress)

The female counterpart of Don Juan sometimes adds the twist of killing her conquests as an
expression of her ability to dominate, thereby reversing the conventional sexual stereotypes.
As with Don Juan, the Femme Fatale represents highly refined skills at manipulating men without investing personal emotion. The Femme Fatale is a sexual and a financial archetype, and either comes from or is drawn to money and power. Seducingmen with money and power and for the sakeof personal control and survival is a classic part of this archetype, although the Femme Fatale is not looking for a home in the suburbs and the pleasures of family life.
As with the Don Juan archetype, the positive aspect of this pattern is the opening of the heart, which often occurs when the male object rejects the manipulations and dependency of the Femme Fatale, as Rhett Butler rejects Scarlett O’Hara at the end of Gone with the Wind.
Films: Barbara Stanwyck in Double Indemnity; Linda Fiorentino in The Last Seduction; Theresa Russell in Black Widow; Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes; Kathleen Turner in Body Heat; Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra.
Fiction: The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M. Cain.
Religion/Myth: Circe (in Greek myth, a sorceress/seductress who could turn men into animals with her magic wand); Potiphar’s wife (in the Hebrew Bible, when her attempt to seduce Joseph failed, she had him thrown into captivity. Her name is Zeleikha in Islamic tradition); Tapairu (Polynesian nymphs who inhabit the waters that lead to the underworld. The goddess of death employs them to seduce men away from the earth); Lorelei (in Teutonic myth, a beautiful maiden who drowned herself after being spurned by her lover, and was then transformed into a siren whose hypnotic music lured sailors to their death).