2007-03-05 15:05:52理書

God (上神) (成昌)

God (Adonis, see also Hero) (成昌)



1. 濕婆: 印度教毀滅之神濕婆(Shiva),前身是印度河文明時代的生殖之神「獸主」和吠印度教毀滅之神濕婆(Shiva),前身是印度河文明時代的生殖之神「獸主」和吠陀風暴之神魯陀羅,兼具生殖與毀滅、創造與破壞雙重性格,呈現各種奇譎怪誕的不同相貌。
2. 毗濕奴: 印度教保護之神毗濕奴(Vishnu),原來是吠陀太陽神之一,在印度教時代升格為維持宇宙秩序的主神。
3. 梵天: 印度教創造之神梵天(Brahma),是奧義書哲學的抽像概念終極實在或宇宙精神「梵」的化身。
4. 印德拉: 雷雨之神,在吠陀時代是屬於開天闢地的大神,但婆羅門時期開始,降格為一般的自然之神。
5. 拉Ra:即太陽神,中王國和新王國時代握有絕對權威。
6. 歐塞里斯Osiris : 豐饒之神,文明的賜予者。冥界之王。

7.卜塔Ptah : 萬物的創造者,除了為國王與職工的守護神之外,亦為孟斐斯的主神。通常以一有鬍子且戴著無邊帽的男人木乃伊形象出現。

8 . Baal: 新約中基督耶穌有提到的鬼王。”Baal”在字義上卻是古時美索不達米亞人稱「神」用的字。
9. Ishtar: Babylonian High-Mother-Goddess.
She is the goddess of fertility, love and war.
10. Marduk: in Mesopotamian religion, the chief god of the city of Babylon and the national god of Babylonia
11. Quetzalcoatl: ”Feathered Snake”. One of the major deities of the Aztec, and other Middle American peoples. He is the creator sky-god and wise legislator. He organized the original cosmos and participated in the creation and destruction of various world periods
12. Tezcatlipoca: was the Aztec god of night and all material things.
13 . Enlil:In ancient Sumero-Babylonian myth, Enlil (”lord wind”) is the god of air, wind and storms.
14. Dumuzi: A god of vegetation and fertility, and also of the underworld

15. Olokun : The Yoruba god of the sea. He lives in a huge underwater palace with both humans and fish as his servants.
16. Wakan Tanka: 美洲印地安拉可合塔語,意為「聖靈,上帝」。
Whether a great worldly power or a great physical specimen, the God archetype represents the ultimate in male dominance. On the positive side, a God can be benevolent and compassionate, willing to use his powers to help others out of love for humanity. The shadow God easily becomes a dictator or despot, oppressing others with those same powers, or using his physical attractiveness to get what he wants without ever returning the affection he elicits. To claim this archetype among your support circle of twelve, you need to have a life-long sense of great power, used either selfishly or selflessly.
You may feel a powerful connection to a particular deity, so here are a few from the Roman/Greek:
Jupiter/Zeus: father god, head of the pantheon
Bacchus/Dionysus: wine and revelry
Mars/Ares: war
Neptune/Poseidon: the sea
Pluto/Hades: death and the underworld
Religion/Myth: Like the archetype in human manifestation, mythic and religious Gods run the gamut from omniscient, benevolent deity to arbitrary destroyer. In addition to those listed above are Yahweh (Hebrew); Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Indra (Hindu); Allah (Muslim); Ra, Osiris, Ptah (Egyptian); Baal (Canaanite); Marduk, Ishtar (Babylonian); Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca (Aztec); Enlil, Dumuzi (Sumerian); Osun, Olokun (Yoruba); Wakan Tanka (Native American).