2017-05-02 12:38:57shirlehqtlo

where is a fun place to go for


Glass Factory Nizbor

The experience:
See how genuine Bohemian crystal is made with this intriguing visit to the traditional Nizbor glass factory. Experience this typical and world-famous Czech product with one short trip from Prague. Come and discover one of the best glass factories in the world. Head out to central Bohemia and see how Czech top quality products are made.
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- Starting Time:9:00am
- Departure Point:Gray Line stand at Narodni Street 38 or pick-up at your hotel
- Return Details:Back to Prague at about 13:00
- Time Duration:4 hours
- Voucher Type:Printed Electronic Voucher

- Highlights -

# Tour of Nizbor Bohemia glass factory
# Learn the history of Bohemian glassware
# Purchase glassware at discounted prices

- What You Can Expect -

Discover that glass is a well-known and handcrafted design all over the country and join the visit of the most famous of all glass factories. Travel on this trip to the small and picturesque village of Nizbor, which is situated along the beautiful Berounka River. Walk around the workshop and take a guided tour around the impressive glass factory. Be amazed by what is possible to create with glass and have the opportunity to snap some impressive photographs of the glass making process.

Experience first-hand how skilfully glass is made and watch the experienced workers craft glasses in front of you. Dive into the glass making world and witness the glass blowing. Be guided on this tour of the factory that is already more than hundred years old. Use the advantage of this excursion and ask the knowledgeable guide questions about the glass production and the crystal making. Learn about the whole history of glass making and get to know about the contemporary period of glass production in Bohemia.

End your trip with a walk through the interesting gift shop. Use this excellent opportunity to purchase glass products with your favourable discounts, before gently traveling back to Prague.


- Starting Time:9:00am
- Departure Point:Gray Line stand at Narodni Street 38 or pick-up at your hotel
- Return Details:Back to Prague at about 13:00
- Time Duration:4 hours
- Voucher Type:Printed Electronic Voucher

- Highlights -

# Tour of Nizbor Bohemia glass factory
# Learn the history of Bohemian glassware
# Purchase glassware at discounted prices

- What You Can Expect -

Discover that glass is a well-known and handcrafted design all over the country and join the visit of the most famous of all glass factories. Travel on this trip to the small and picturesque village of Nizbor, which is situated along the beautiful Berounka River. Walk around the workshop and take a guided tour around the impressive glass factory. Be amazed by what is possible to create with glass and have the opportunity to snap some impressive photographs of the glass making process.

Experience first-hand how skilfully glass is made and watch the experienced workers craft glasses in front of you. Dive into the glass making world and witness the glass blowing. Be guided on this tour of the factory that is already more than hundred years old. Use the advantage of this excursion and ask the knowledgeable guide questions about the glass production and the crystal making. Learn about the whole history of glass making and get to know about the contemporary period of glass production in Bohemia.

End your trip with a walk through the interesting gift shop. Use this excellent opportunity to purchase glass products with your favourable discounts, before gently traveling back to Prague.


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