2017-05-02 11:11:35shirlehqtlo

where is a fun place to go for


Wat Athvea And Phnom Krom (Maximum of 20 km cycling)

The experience:
Confident with your physical strength? Then you should take on this tour ! We will take you to the ancient Wat Athvea and the nto Phnom Krom Hill to have an overlook of Tonle Sap Lake !
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- Begin Time : 8:00 am
- Departure Point : Your hotel in Siem Reap
- Duration : 4 - 6 hours (depends on personal healthy condition.)
- Mileage : Maximum of 20 km cycling

- Highlights -

# Tour provided by local agent ranked 5/5 on TripAdvisor
# 20 kilometers of cycling
# Stunning Wat Athvea and Phnom Krom

- What You Can Expect -

Depart Siem Reap and cycle along the Siem Reap River over dirt roads towards Wat Athvea. Visit the temple, which sits on the grounds of a recently built pagoda. Continue your trip through small rural villages and beautiful paddy fields. In the dry season the fields and paths connecting Wat Athvea and Phnom Kraom are easily navigated and form a beautiful maze of trails. Arrive at Wat Chedei, a modern pagoda situated in the middle of paddy fields. Enjoy a picnic lunch on the grounds of the pagoda. Observe how the monks live peacefully in the midst of the paddy fields and continue cycling to Phnom Kraom. The small trails lead through more paddy fields and small villages where ducks are being kept and pigs are raised. Arrive at Phnom Kraom and climb the stairs that lead to an ancient temple. On the way observe the magnificent views of the Tonle Sap lake and witness the fascinating structure of Chhong Kneas floating village. Transfer back to Siem Reap by private vehicle.


- Begin Time : 8:00 am
- Departure Point : Your hotel in Siem Reap
- Duration : 4 - 6 hours (depends on personal healthy condition.)
- Mileage : Maximum of 20 km cycling

- Highlights -

# Tour provided by local agent ranked 5/5 on TripAdvisor
# 20 kilometers of cycling
# Stunning Wat Athvea and Phnom Krom

- What You Can Expect -

Depart Siem Reap and cycle along the Siem Reap River over dirt roads towards Wat Athvea. Visit the temple, which sits on the grounds of a recently built pagoda. Continue your trip through small rural villages and beautiful paddy fields. In the dry season the fields and paths connecting Wat Athvea and Phnom Kraom are easily navigated and form a beautiful maze of trails. Arrive at Wat Chedei, a modern pagoda situated in the middle of paddy fields. Enjoy a picnic lunch on the grounds of the pagoda. Observe how the monks live peacefully in the midst of the paddy fields and continue cycling to Phnom Kraom. The small trails lead through more paddy fields and small villages where ducks are being kept and pigs are raised. Arrive at Phnom Kraom and climb the stairs that lead to an ancient temple. On the way observe the magnificent views of the Tonle Sap lake and witness the fascinating structure of Chhong Kneas floating village. Transfer back to Siem Reap by private vehicle.


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