2020-08-25 14:12:14shipsbearing

The surface of the workpiece is squeezed strongly

 From the 688 ball bearing of the grinding wheel, the abrasive hardness is high, the cutting performance is good, and the heat can be reduced, but the abrasive hardness is not Too hard, the structure can not be too fine, otherwise the blunt abrasive will not fall off easily, the micropores between the abrasives are easy to plug, which will reduce the cutting performance of the grinding wheel, and increase the contact area between the workpiece and the grinding wheel. The surface of the workpiece is squeezed strongly, and the friction will cause the temperature to increase. .

Therefore, in order to avoid burns and ensure abrasive efficiency and workpiece accuracy, the grinding wheel with low hardness and large organization number is used for rough grinding, and a larger grinding thickness is selected; for final grinding, a harder grinding wheel with a smaller organization number is used.

Ensure the effective dressing of the grinding wheel, and choose a smaller grinding thickness; for materials with high grinding strength, high hardness and poor thermal conductivity, it is easy to use a smaller feed rate, increase the workpiece speed, and effectively avoid burns. 3. Types of burns. The following specific factors can cause burns in actual production: (1) Process system vibration, machine tool vibration and hydraulic system pressure instability. At the moment of vibration, the amount of grinding will increase, causing burns.

At this time, the burns are distributed along the surface of the workpiece, which is also called vibration pattern burns. (2) The grinding wheel is poorly dressed and the abrasive is not sharp, causing burns. At this time, the burns are distributed along the grinding wheels of the grinding wheel, also called scratch burns. (3) Insufficient suction of the centerless fixture or loose support, the workpiece will slip instantly, which may cause burns. (4) Uneven grinding amount and inconsistent grinding thickness will cause local burns. (5) The grinding wheel is too hard, the feed rate is too large, and the workpiece speed is too high (too high workpiece speed will reduce the cutting ability of the grinding wheel) will cause uniform burns on the surface of the workpiece.