2005-01-10 16:21:19小錢

If you could travel back in time to meet a famous person....

If you could travel back in time to meet a famous person form history, what person would you like to meet? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

If I could travel back in time to meet a famous person from history, it would be the artist Rembrandt. Because I think that he was the greatest painter in 18 century and he was a legendary person in art history. Besides, his works caught many people’s eyes in the modern era.

It was Rembrandt who was the first artist when I just touched the field of oil-painting and moved to tear for his masterpiece. And then I read his autobiography which describe he was a plentiful painter and developed his own style that affect many artists after he died. In addition to his oil-painting works, Rembrandt was a man who insisted his ideal and never gave it up. For an instance, his father was a mill owner and hoped Rembrandt could keep his career going on, but he still continued to learn how to draw no matter how poor he was. I do absolutely appreciate his attitude to face his difficulty in learning painting. Thus, Rembrandt was the greatest artist in art history in my eye.

Moreover, it is a pity that Rembrandt’s works is so little that I cannot watch the details of his works carefully in my near museums. So I wish I can take a look during his working time and join his studio to take part in his process of oil-painting. Otherwise, it would be an incredible experience for me because it is impossible to see an 18 century artist actually painting in the modern media.

In conclude, I wish I can meet Rembrandt from history if I could travel back in time because of the reasons that I mentioned above, the achievement he arrived and the impossibility of the modern science.

我開始想著亂世佳人的費雯麗,可是我不會拼她的名字;我想會會羅特列克和末迪裡亞泥,一樣名字都不會拼;想問問藤子不二雄和希特勒為何這麼殘忍;我想看看....好多人,帶著想質問他們的心情穿梭時空,無奈語彙能力不足。本來想想,乾脆寫李白杜甫好了,名字好寫又不會錯,偏偏我不會拼 '詩人' 這個入門的詞彙,想想就挑個藝術史上的人寫好了,正好剛做完林布蘭的簡報,就他吧。
可是 我心中最想見的人是張學良,我想問他當年西安事變究竟是怎麼一回事,那是我最想知道的歷史疑雲,可是關於這類政治事件艱澀的字太多了,我只好口是心非的說著阿信的偶像林布蘭是我最想見的人,擅用45度角、聚光畫法的肖像畫家....我操著不流利,文法錯誤多到令人嘔血的第一外國語奉承ets的官員,哀,應該挑個美國人的。