2004-03-13 22:12:44游泳圈女孩游來叫姐姐


We have planned this for alomost 2 weeks,or maybe longer....As we can predict,we still slept over time.

Right,the Yi Lan plan just melt in the two naked bodies on the bed.

And Alex's call changed the situation.

I don't think it is a bad idea to go out with Alex,however, i sometimes really don't bear his bad habbits.

How to describe him?


Yes, pure seems to be the best word to describe him.

Just like Vincent and Gary, Nick and Alex became good friends. And I, still in this,how to say,....simple circle, I think i will never get out of this.

Friends think i am crazy in many parts, for me, the party never starts!!

You should know!! You should know.

Almost forget what did i eat today, but the complicated struggles in my mind never stop in any moment.