2021-03-23 00:41:41shine
我忍不住 不去為妳安撫
眼角滑落的淚珠 好苦
捨不得妳哭 捨不得妳留不住
該走的人沒走成 該放的心放不去
我愛妳 我想吻去妳的淚滴
我只願 此時此刻倆無悔
我愛誰 那又有誰能說對
記得我 不離不棄風吹葉 終會回
I wish I could meet you more earlier so I won't hear anything you said tonight. I wish I could step into your heart so I could make you smile. I would try my best to reach what you want, I can make it I believe. I never doubt it, please stand with me. Love you baby.
20210208 凌晨一點,忠四25
wish both of you well!