2016-05-25 20:56:35shellyib4p2rb

英文學習單 台北英文家教 情境對話 英文 preponderance中文意思是什麼

    大家學英文 線上英文課雅思英檢 英語考試 網上英文新聞英文線上課程 兒童英語會話班 為何要學英文英語學習中心 英文news 英語家教老師西班牙文 德文 gept全民英檢成績查詢語文訓練中心 課程 英文網上英文新聞 英語補習臺南英文外籍家教老師 英文留學 英檢




preponderance解釋美日語補習班 師大家教中心 全民英檢模擬試題

n. 名詞 (數量、重量、力量、影響、重要性上的)優勢;優越。

preponderance of force at the crucial point 【軍事】集中優勢兵力于要害目標。

have the preponderance over 比…占優勢。

  • Ideological political work is the fine tradition and political preponderance of our party

  • How to guarantee the stability, reliability and communality of data acquisition system ' s performance has important significance in improvement of ict whole fuction. after long period researching in ict development and manufacture, ict research centre chongqing university has abundant experience and national preponderance. this project is a part of cd400bx ict 多益網站 免費學 多益讀書計畫

  • The significant preponderance of the host - guest complex formation is that the host structure can be easily controlled by two ways. the one way is the host structure can be changed under the different synthesis condition. the other is that the suitable guest can be selected according to the different molecular structure

  • The establishment and perfection of the management regulations, inspection and evaluation criteria has constituted a complete quality assurance system that fortifies moutai s preponderance in market competition both at home and overseas

  • This paper bases on the analysis on the restrictive factors in the light industry development in the national regions of qinghai province, and put forward the idea for better use the resource preponderance and regional cultural predominance, and for driving and supporting the economy in the national areas of qinghai province to be in sound and rapid development


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      英語網站 免費線上英語學習英文家教中心 家教 推薦 英文補習班臺中英文由f字學起 英文教學法美語評價 看影集學英文全民英檢測驗 外語學習網英檢考試時間 全民英檢中級模擬試題 全英語教學英語能力測驗 多益教材ielts 班 英文會話網站 英語文教學中心多益英文單字 學英文歌 台北補習英文學習單 台北英文家教 情境對話 英文
