2005-07-08 23:51:00Sylvia

July 7th 2005-London Under Attack

Londoners woke yesterday still basking in the warm glow of their Olympic triumph. Then came the news they had dreaded - and half expected - since September 2001. James Meek walks through the streets of a suddenly pedestrian city-The Guardian

昨天一早打開電視, 看到倫敦發生爆炸, 心頭一震, 心理想著, 終於發生了........接下來就是一連串的訪問和死傷數字...........
很快的看到Tony Blair在Glenseagle發表聲明, 一付非常心碎的樣子, 我心想....哇....阿扁小馬哥你們多學著點.........
Blair當下宣布他要回倫敦, 晚上再繼續G8 Summit....嗯...滿聰明的決定.....大家過一會就會記起來, 要不是他堅持出兵伊拉克, 英國也不會倒大楣.....自愛點回倫敦善後的好......
倫敦人在這一場意外中表現的可圈可點. Everyone is doing their job. 如一個受訪的美國觀光客所說, 她對倫敦人與警政相關單位的鎮定與處理的明快感到非常印象深刻.....\"half expected-since 911\".........but yet no one\'s really ready to hear about death and injuries.........


But literally, anyone could have been on that double deck or in those underground trains.......我上個禮拜才去Russell Squre跟Kings Cross....這就是恐怖攻擊可怕的地方..........我猜這個時間點跟G8在蘇格蘭舉行跟倫敦贏得奧運有關......They are really evil........ㄜ~~~打冷顫.....喔 我剛剛在咖啡店裡聞道火柴味.......害我緊張一下.......damn terrorists.......