2006-07-15 11:30:18^o^

Shopping ART

Recently visited the MEGartSTORE Expo at Shatin Heritage Musuem. The scale is not very big (would be quite big in HK), but I have already been quite impressed. The show is featuring over 300 museum art collections, it is the first big-box store of its kind in HK showcasing works of five artists in five what they called ”shops” (sections): Food & Beverage, Health & Beauty, Home & Garden, Leisure & Entertainment and Rest Area.

I came across the show when I was studying buyer behavior. The show is special in the sense that it links meseum exhibition and commercial presentation. ”Sensory shopping experience” is in fact one of the very salient driving force determining consumer behavior, which can be both marketer and non-marketer dominated. Happy to see more marketers are willing to devote efforts in this aspect, though it is still lacking in Hong Kong.

Background about the show:






Website: http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/chinese/main.asp

Exhibition Period: 4 Jun - 27 Nov, 2006

See how products are displayed.

See Barbie in the middle?

Check the IKEA boxes...it can be used as nice wallpaper

Simple patterns have done well in achieving good visual impact. LESS IS MORE is still my cup of tea.