2004-08-27 12:42:21呱呱呱


Dear Baby:
It's sunday night.I am home,I just put frozen lasagna in the oven for dinner.I am watching televisuon.But the most importantly I am missing you.I love being with you! Even if we are not doing anything special,I am happier when you are with me.

When I start to think about you, I realize how much I want you.You are so good to me I feel so lucky to know you. I am the luckiest man in the world.But at the same time I do not have true happiness when we are not together.

I want to be with my baby! I miss you so much! What am I going to do without you? I am always thinking of the next time I will be able to hold you in my arms.

We will have to think of some way to be together. It is very important to me. I am willing to move to Taiwan to be with you.I will learn your language.

This will take time for me to do. I hope you will be able to come here for a visit and I will take you to New York to meet my family , and see the statue of liberty.

I am just missing you very much today. Please never give up on our love. I will not! Sometimes I feel so helpless because we are so far apart. I dream of the day we are together again!

I love you so much,
your baby~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~where is baby?