2005-05-31 19:06:57

Buddy Programme

this friday i have to attend an interview for buddy programme
it needs to use eng and i really hate speak in eng
simply because i am afraid i speak wrong and ashamed of making mistakes.
i know that this attitude cannot improve eng but i dont know how can i not be ashamed. Maybe i need to do more revision on eng, my confidence will also be increased.

i have just asked cindy cheung what questions will be asked during the interview. she said it is very easy. candidates need to explain the reasons why they want to join the programme and introduce a place that u have visited. actually, i have been to thailand only. should i say i have been many countries but not just tell one. i think if i answer thailand only, this wont help me much. but which places should i say. bejing? japan? europe (seems to be too exaggerated)? what do u think?
um.... should i say japan? because i have written down japan where i want my buddy come from. but actually i dont know much about japan! if they ask me about japan, how can i answer them? i afraid the interviewers may notice that i am telling lies!!~~ ho, let me write an essay which about travelling in japan~~

if i sucess, then i can communicate with a japanese and practice my japanese la~ hehe~~ hope the interview would not be too difficult and i wont do anything shameful la~ god bless me la~