上一篇:◆ 多做主工 ◆
下一篇:◆ 善工 ◆
◆ God of mercy and grace. ◆ For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and does not go back again, but gives water to the earth, and makes it fertile, giving seed to the planter, and bread for food. (Isaiah 55:10)
有的櫻花還在準備開她的第一朵,有的早就開完一季,櫻花果都長出來了 我是屬於跑慢的一組,而且可能是跑最慢的一個
鉅亨網編譯羅昀玫 綜合外電 2025-03-08 05:17 鮑爾不急於降息 川普新關稅威脅 美股本周慘收黑 (圖:shutterstock) 關
◆ God of mercy and grace. ◆
For as the rain comes down,
and the snow from heaven,
and does not go back again,
but gives water to the earth,
and makes it fertile,
giving seed to the planter,
and bread for food.
(Isaiah 55:10)