上一篇:◆ Living Water ◆
下一篇:◆ 依然清淡如水 ◆ 一邊畫畫一邊喇迪賽~
◆ Shang's Spiritual Painting~ Your Right Hand ◆ And You have given me the shield of Your salvation, And Your right hand supports me; And Your condescending gentleness has made me great. (Psalms 18:35)
1.好雨知時節,潤物細無聲 節氣走到「雨水」,春天就拉開序幕了。寒意未褪,
20250218 W2 1554 *platelets 188K (20250118)中國附醫 *platelets 111K (2
1º. Bal b/f 109,921KM-208KM=109,713KM Bal c/f 2º. Bal b/f 1,000,000KM-0KM=1,000,000KM Bal c/f 3º. Bal b/f 4
Q: 如何不去任何基督教,可以當天到100台幣? A: 起初不明白;後來,發現去任何基督教,每星期已經浪費了14小時,相當錯過了找3,000
◆ Shang's Spiritual Painting~ Your Right Hand ◆
And You have given me the shield of Your salvation,
And Your right hand supports me;
And Your condescending gentleness has made me great.
(Psalms 18:35)