2016-04-11 02:21:12shanediw4m5

看聖經學英語 全民英檢網路報名 學習英文方法 cragged中文意思是什麼

    全民英檢初級複試 gept全民英檢網多益 雜誌 教學影片 英文看聖經學英語 全民英檢網路報名 學習英文方法補習多益 線上免費英文 聽英文翻譯大家說英語app 學測英文作文兒童美語 英文 台北家教行情英文考試 ielts 全民英檢往法文家教台北 全民英檢中高級初試





adj. 形容詞 =craggy. -nessn. 名詞

  • He led me to his home, which was in the most cragged poverty - stricken village in hancheng

  • This paper is original from " on - line measuring system for cragged surface on special working conditions ", supported by the science and technology research foundation of anhui province. this project mainly researches on the technique of measuring geometric parameters on train wheel profile applying stereovision measurement technology

    本論文所研究的課題來源於安徽省重點科研項目「特殊工況異形曲面在線檢測系統」 ,本項目主要研究如何應用計算機視覺測量技術來檢測火車車輪輪廓幾何參數。
  • This paper is from the " on - line measuring system for cragged surface on bad conditions ", supported by the science and technology research foundation of anhui province. this project is mainly on the research of measuring geometric parameters on train wheel profile applying stereovision measurement technology

    新竹 英文會話 托福課程 一對一線上英文教學 本論文所研究的課題來源於安徽省重點科研項目「特殊工況異性曲面在線檢測系統」 ,本項目主要研究如何應用計算機視覺測量技術來檢測火車車輪輪廓幾何參數。

    craftsman, crafty, crag, craggy, cragsman, craig


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