2016-04-10 04:32:35shanediw4m5

英文每日一句 英文會話教學 免費線上英文 bandanna handkerchief中文意思是什麼

    英文家教費用 一對一教學 英文補習班英文老師 學測英文 英國遊學英檢中級初試 英檢中級複試 全民英?學好英語 線上教材補習班英文老師薪水 美日語 師資培訓班美語班 多益英聽全民英檢中級試題 數學線上教學英文會話 一對一 補習班英文老師薪水



band高雄高中英文家教老師 youtube 英文學習anna handkerchief中文意思是什麼

bandanna handkerchief解釋


  • bandanna: n. (印度)班丹納花綢(大手帕,大頭巾)。
  • handkerchief: n. (pl. handkerchiefs, - chieves )1. 手帕。2. 頭巾,圍巾。

  • She could be identified by the gaudy bandanna she wore as a head covering.

  • 學英文廣播電臺 英文 成人 台灣toeic Where i ' ll do it with a bandanna on, maybe a bandanna off

  • On the crowd s opening the coach doors, the one mourner scuffled out of himself and was in their hands for a moment ; but he was so alert, and made such good use of his time, that in another moment he was scouring away up a bystreet, after shedding his cloak, hat, long hatband, white pocket handkerchief, and other symbolical tears

  • Another one was a young lady with her hair all combed up straight to the top of her head, and knotted there in front of a comb like a chair - back, and she was crying into a handkerchief and had a dead bird laying on its back in her other hand with its heels up, and underneath the picture it said " i shall never hear thy sweet chirrup more alas.

  • Spruance patted his crimson face with a square-folded handkerchief.


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    bandanna handkerchief中文意思是什麼
      人際關係心得 新竹美語補習班 美語夏令營多益家教 張嘉倩如何學英文 英文學習方式常用英語對話 家教薪資 外籍英文老師看電視學英文 台灣人學英文學習的英文 線上一對一教學 吉的堡美語學校英文每日一句 英文會話教學 免費線上英文補習班 最佳免費英文學習網站免費英文課 新竹全美語幼稚園兒童英語課程 english speaking day 成人美語推薦網路 英文 臺北英文補習班推薦 有效學習英文
