2007-09-06 17:39:06懶.熊〞♡

艾薇兒--滑板少年 Skater Boy

He was a boy 他是個男孩
She was a girl 她是個女孩
Can i make it any more obvious 醬子講應該很清楚了吧
He was a punk 他是個龐克
She did ballet 她愛跳芭蕾
What more can i say 還有誰比他們更速配的呢
He wanted her 他想追她
She’d never tell secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends
Stuck up their nose 不料她的朋友們都非常驕傲
They had a problem with his baggy clothes 她們對他的垮衣垮褲很有意見

He was a skater boy 他是個滑板少年
She said see you later boy 她說謝謝再聯絡
He wasn’t good enough for her 對她而言 他配不上她
She had a pretty face 她的臉蛋美麗
But her head was up in space 可是眼光太高
She needed to come back down to earth 雖然如此 她還是得顧及現實層面

5 years from now 五年後的現在
She sits at home 她坐在家裡
Feeding the baby she’s all alone 孤單的一個人在餵孩子
She turns on TV 她打開電視
Guess who she sees 猜她看見了誰?
Skater boy rockin up MTV 那個滑板少年在MTV上勁歌熱舞
She calls up her friends 她打電話給朋友們
They already know 她們都已經知道了
And they’ve all got
Tickets to see his show 而且都買了票要去看他的表演
She tags along
Stands in the crowd 她尾隨著大家站在人群中
Looks up at the man that she turned down 抬頭看著那個被她拒絕的男孩

He was a skater boy 他是個滑板少年
She said see you later boy 她說謝謝再聯絡
He wasn’t good enough for her 對她而言 他配不上她
Now he’s a super star
Slamming on his guitar 如今他是個飆著吉他的超級巨星
Does your pretty face see what he’s worth? 妳的美麗臉蛋看出他的價值了嗎?

He was a skater boy 他是個滑板少年
She said see you later boy 她說謝謝再聯絡
He wasn’t good enough for her 對她而言 他配不上她
Now he’s a super star
Slamming on his guitar 如今他是個飆著吉他的超級巨星
Does your pretty face see what he’s worth? 妳的美麗臉蛋看出他的價值了嗎?

Sorry girl but you missed out 很抱歉妳錯過了大好機會
Well tough luck that boy’s mine now 那男孩現在是我的了
We are more than just good friends 而且我們不只是好朋友
This is how the story ends 故事的結局就是如此
Too bad that you couldn’t see, 真遺憾妳看不到
See the man that boy could be 看不到那個男孩可以變成超級巨星
There is more that meets the eye 我看到的 不只是他的眼睛
I see the soul that is inside 我看到的 而是他的靈魂

He’s just a boy 他只是個男孩
And Im just a girl 我只是個女孩
Can I make it any more obvious 醬子講應該很清楚了吧
We are in love
Haven’t you heard 我們彼此相愛 妳沒聽說嗎?
How we rock eachothers world 我們搖撼彼此的世界

I’m with the skater boy 我和滑板少年在一起
I said see you later boy 我跟他說待會兒見
I’ll be back stage after the show
I’ll be at the studio 表演結束後我會在後台
Singing the song we wrote 然後去錄音室唱那首我們合寫的
About a girl you used to know 關於一個你認識的女孩的歌

I’m with the skater boy 我和滑板少年在一起
I said see you later boy 我跟他說待會兒見
I’ll be back stage after the show
I’ll be at the studio 表演結束後我會在後台
Singing the song we wrote 然後去錄音室唱那首我們合寫的
About a girl you used to know 關於一個你認識的女孩的歌