2004-04-28 20:39:00D & S

University of Hertfordshire榮獲英國皇室頒獎

University of Hertfordshire榮獲英國皇室頒獎


在今年英國女皇伊麗莎白二世的生日筵席上University of Hertfordshire (UH)獲頒傑出國際事務獎項。英國高等教育近年來鼓勵大專院校招生國際化,UH全校的二萬多名學生當中,有來自於67個不同的國家的2500個國際學生,讓校園中充滿國際化的學習風氣。國際事務處總監布萊恩表示,國際招生表現傑出的原因在於教學成果讓學生高度認同此學位的價值。另外,去年剛完成的全新優良設備的校區,將會為UH帶來更大的加分。

Royal Stamp of Approval for University Wednesday
(April 21, 2004)

It was announced on the Queen's personal birthday that the University of Hertfordshire has been awarded the prestigious Queen's Award for Enterprise: International Trade.

Brian Clark, Director of the University's International Office will attend a special ceremony for the winners of the award at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre on 22 April, where he will be presented with a ceremonial rose bowl by the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire.
The award is presented in this category for either outstanding achievement in international trade or continuous achievement in international trade.The University of Hertfordshire won the award for outstanding achievement.

The University of Hertfordshire is an internationally facing university. Each year it recruits around 2,500 students from 67 countries, providing a diverse international community on the University’s campuses.
Mr Clark explained why the marketing strategy for international recruitment had been so successful in recent years: “Students who successfully complete their course of study at the University of Hertfordshire are rewarded with a valuable and well-regarded degree.
"This is obviously the most important factor that leads to students choosing Hertfordshire for their course of study. The opening of the de Havilland campus with its fantastic facilities has also been another draw.

“On an international level the University works closely with the British Council promoting the value of British higher education in the global marketplace.

“The loyalty that is engendered by studying in a particular country can be invaluable.These are the international business people and professionals of the future, responsible, for example, for building up future trading and other links with the United Kingdom.

“Throughout the world the University of Hertfordshire recruits students using specially selected agents. They offer the potential students a ‘one-stop-shop’ for advice and information about studying at the University. In addition we have recently opened recruitment offices in Beijing and Guangzhou.

“The University has developed strong links with overseas educational institutions. Collaborations with universities, colleges and schools abroad are developed so there are clear progression routes to the University of Hertfordshire. Courses abroad are also franchised to colleges with reputations for excellence, such as the INTI College in Malaysia.

We have also successfully harnessed new technology. The University has well developed web-sites and students can make applications on line, in addition to receiving materials through this medium.

“Put together, this activity has added up to the successful recruitment of high calibre students. We are delighted to be rewarded with this recognition.”

Professor Tim Wilson, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hertfordshire added: “The University of Hertfordshire and the full International Office Team deserve this award. Global demand for higher education is growing and at Hertfordshire we believe that an international perspective is essential for future prosperity. Intercultural understanding is created through the shared learning experience essential for social development and graduates of the future have to be able to operate in an international environment. The internationalisation of our campus is a key strategy in achieving theses goals.”



qhcrl 2013-05-20 04:59:20

台灣硬起來! 抵制菲律賓!!