2019-03-30 02:05:51sgmagg46isgc

【網購人氣產品】Odenw-lder 小號腳袋 Mucki 首選戰利品


小妹最近買了 Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki


當然有好康的要報給大家,而且在這買還是小妹精挑細選Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki











Odenwälder Footmuff Mucki 設計式樣: Schwarz

Odenwälder's footmuff Mucki supplies your little one with optimum protection on cold days and is suitable for all regular infant car seat carriers as well as hard and soft carrycots.

Both the filling made of cuddly high-bulk spun fibre as well as the easy-to-clean high-tech fabric contribute to the Mucki's protective features. This way, your little one can accompany you on travels while being protected and kept warm at all times. Due to its extended seat unit, the Mucki fits in any infant car seat carrier. It can even be installed in hard and soft carrycots and thus offers your child a safe and snug place wherever you go. The patented ADA-bottom features a double insulation which keeps little feet super warm when it's cold outside. In case of hard wind or rainfall, you can easily create a mummy-shaped head area that prevents wet and wind from reaching your child. The safety-bag keeps the drawstring easy to reach.

禮物送禮The long zip reaches all over the bottom. Once it is wide open, it enables you to put your child in and out of the footmuff easily. Even fastening your little one with the harness is no problem. Usually, the temperature change from the cold outside to the warmth inside feels uncomfortable for tiny humans. That is why, Odenwälder has designed the footmuff with an easy-to-use zip that can be opened with only one hand. This way, the footmuff can be opened quickly so that any heat accumulation can be avoided. The fasteners integrated in the footmuff keep the Mucki wide open.

Another great highlight of this footmuff is its cute Mucki bear's face. Both young and old will fall in love with the cuddly teddy immediately. A reflective transfer print provides maximum visibility which makes the footmuff safe for travel and essential for strolling through the dark.

Odenwälder's footmuff supplies your child with safety and warmth wherever you go. High-quality materials and great features - made in Germany.


  • Suitable for all infant car seat carriers (group 0), soft carrycots and hard carrycots

  • Patented extended seat unit suitable for any belt system (up to five-point harness)

  • Mummy shaped head section, safety bag for storing drawstring

  • Clip-up fastener

  • Patented ADA-bottom - double warmth insulation

  • Draughtproof

  • Zip that reaches all over the bottom, chin protector

  • Cuddly bear's face with micro terry cloth

  • Reflective transfer print

  • Material: high-tech cotton fabric/ polyesters mix; filling: high-bulk spun fibres (Polyesters)

  • Size: Length 81 cm

  • Suitable for allergy sufferers

  • Machine washable at 40°C, dryer-proof

  • Made in Germany




Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki









而她今年農曆春節會和韓籍老公Mr. Big一同回釜山看公公,2人再回台北過年。她將首度攻蛋,近來為保持身材、維護嗓音,每天勤健身、打坐保持心情穩定,她提到演唱會曲目是最頭痛的一環,「因為有太多首經典歌曲,每一首都捨不得刪掉。」許茹芸「綻放的綻放的綻放」巡演台北站於4月20日台北小巨蛋登場,購票請洽KKTIX及全家便利商店FamiPort。

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MLB/國民火力掩護 薛則獨居聯盟勝投王

國民強投薛則(Max Scherzer)今天只投6局就掉了4分,幸好隊友即時添加火力支援,讓他的勝投資格兩度失而復得,國民以9:5成功踢館馬林魚,薛則成為今年全聯盟第一位8勝投手。

靠著泰勒(Michael Taylor)和亞當斯(Matt Adams)各繳一發2分砲,薛則兩度握有領先優勢,不過他先在4局下被羅哈斯(Miguel Rojas)敲出適時安打扳成2平,接著6局下又讓迪崔克(Derek Dietrich)揮出2分砲、再次追成平手,撐完這個半局的亂流後,他也用了114球完成任務。


薛則一退場,國民立刻在7局上重新要回領先,透納(Trea Turner)和哈波(Bryce Harper)串聯安打,各帶有1分和2分打點,是讓薛則重拾勝投的關鍵人物。

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Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki

推薦, Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki

討論, Odenw?ld限時活動折扣er 小號腳袋 Mucki

部落客, Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki

比較評比, Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki

使用評比, Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki

開箱文, Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki

?推薦, Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki

評測文, Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki

CP值, Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki

評鑑大隊, Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki

部落客推薦, Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki

好用嗎?, Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki
