2005-07-29 19:15:03Cotton Loaf


everytime i received the color standard ring of the season, i'd read through the color names slowly, everytime i found the names interesting...

because there are too many different tone of red, too many blue, green, yellow, black or even white
there are too many red that red, deep red, light red, sharp red, shocking red, bloody red....are not enough
so some colors, are different from others, some color has its name, such as...

lover letter (pink)
urban dwelling(grey)
jack O latern(orange)
killer tomato(red)
heart throb(purple-red)

i wonder who named the colors....
i wonder...if i have the chance to name the colors, what and how would i name them....
i wonder...if you have the chance to name the colors... would there be a color you want to name it after my name.

... womb, half a shadow, the firstborn, sausage attack,...and the list goes on...
