2014-02-11 14:22:26Selena



林郁綾(lindsay) 2014-02-17 22:06:45

New York city is a big city.紐約市是一個大城市。
There are over 8 million people here .有超過800萬人在這裡。
My favorite buildings are the top .我最喜歡的建築物的底部。

周品昀(Grace) 2014-02-15 17:49:16

1That means my parents don't live together.這意味著我的父母不生活在一起。2I have a dog and 2 cats.我有一隻狗和2隻貓。
3In New York City,we have lot of cool things.在紐約市,我們有很多很酷的東西。

周品昀(grace) 2014-02-14 17:06:12

1My name is Soha.我的名字是Soha。2I am so excited to be your pen pal.我很高興能成為你的筆友。3My parents are divorced