2006-06-25 16:43:20seasweet

Hippocratic Oath

Some ideas come from this book ”專業--大前研一”
Change ”patients” to your ”customer”.-->it will be professional in your field.

Hippocratic Oath
1.To support my teacher if necessary.
2.To teach medicine to the sons of my teacher.
3.To practice and prescribe to the best of my ability for the good of my patients, and to try to avoid harming them.
4.To never deliberately do harm to anyone for anyone else’s interest.
5.To never attempt to induce an abortion.
6.To avoid violating the morals of my community.
7.To avoid attempting to do things that other specialists can do better.
8.To keep the good of the patient as the highest priority.
9.To avoid sexual relationships or other inappropriate entanglements with patients and families.
10,To keep confidential what I learn about my patients.