2016-07-27 06:02:49seantfc2888

網上免費英語學習 外籍老師家教 incisive canal cyst中文意思是什麼

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incisive canal cyst中文意思是什麼

incisive canal cyst解釋


  • incisive: adj. 1. 切入的,銳利的。2. 尖銳的,深刻的,透徹的。3. 【解剖學】切牙的,門牙的。adv. -ly ,-ness n.
  • canal: n. 1. 運河;溝渠,水道。2. 【建築】溝;【解剖學】管,道。3. 【天文學】火星表面的運河狀細長溝紋。vt. (-l(l)-), 在…開運河;在…開溝,疏導。
  • cyst: n. 1. 【生物學】胞,囊;包囊;膀胱。2. 【醫學】囊腫。3. 【植物;植物學】孢囊,胚囊。adj. -ic

  • It can promote ovarian haemal circulation, restore the two big functions of ovarian oviposit and endocrine, have the remedial effect that disappears to regulate the menstrual function, hemostatic, ache thereby, control the growth of cyst effectively, make cyst gradually atrophic, abreaction finally, make you prevented the secondary action that the suffering of the operation and operation bring

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  • The blood circulation increases amount of alimentary canal after eating, cause the harmful composition in cigarettes to absorb in a large amount and damage the blood vessel of liver, brain and heart

  • An amoeba forms a cyst when conditions are unfavourable. 家教行情 商務英文課程

  • Sea serpent in the royal canal. safe arrival of antichrist

    皇家運河裡出現了一條海蛇415 。

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    incisive canal cyst中文意思是什麼
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